Is it a light bleach?


New Member
First time grower ....DWC system with GH trio nutrients at quarter 4 after seed sprouted.....light is 1000 W bestva led at 30inch height..... today I saw yellowish leaves it light bleach or nutrients deficiency ??? solution pH is 5.2 now ( waiting for pH up solution , will be delivered with in 1 week ) ....please advice me....


  • IMG_20190914_205303__01.jpg
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Where is the water in reference to the bottom of the net pot???

pH is a bit low

Maybe raise the light a bit.

Is this a diy dwc system.. curious how it looks now the reflective material
Where is the water in reference to the bottom of the net pot???

pH is a bit low

Maybe raise the light a bit.

Is this a diy dwc system.. curious how it looks now the reflective material

Water level is just touching the net pot because one plants root system doesn't outgrown upto now..... is a diy dwc system....I just covered the entire system by some car sun reflector ......
Be careful you don't drown it

Is the roots in the water? If so drop that water down an Inch

Raise yer pH

Get some hydroguard or z7 ASAP

And holler if u have questions

And pics of yet setup...we line pics
First time grower ....DWC system with GH trio nutrients at quarter 4 after seed sprouted.....light is 1000 W bestva led at 30inch height..... today I saw yellowish leaves it light bleach or nutrients deficiency ??? solution pH is 5.2 now ( waiting for pH up solution , will be delivered with in 1 week ) ....please advice me....
Slow down tiger!!!
Forget about nutrients at this moment. Dim that light down or move it to 45 inches and put seedling in side lighting.

Your plant to be is a baby. She still has her umbilical cord so to speak. The round smooth leaves that thankfully look good, those are the sprouts food source. Let her use and absorb the energy mother nature have to her. YOU CAN'T SPEED UP CANNABIS! You can create whatever prime scenario to make it grow at 100% it's potential. Use whatever SOG, SCROG, HYDRO, system of your choose. There comes a point of loss of gains and returns when to much is added. The key is less, less is more. Learn this and you will grow some of the prettiest plants you've ever seen. Use disstilled water only, the entire life of the plant. Not bottled drinking water, but spring water, not distilled water with added minerals for taste.
Only plain distilled water, no additives. Will say processed by reverse osmosis in manufacturing info. Distilled has the perfect PH, it simply has none, it's completely neutral, you'll never have to worry about PH of your water. If you've not already gotten, get a decent, organic based soil mix. Don't get complicated, I use miracle grow brand, but there organic line for blooming flowers. Also get some Peat moss, it will also have a mild nutrient base. The peat moss bag will say on it somewhere, for ACID LOVING PLANTS "hint hint"
mix at a ratio of 1 part peat moss / 1 part soil mix.

Also purchase miracle grow organic starting tabs for first 30 days growth. These are 3-4-3

Mix your soil and peat moss, put the required amount of starting tabs per your container spaced out below where the root ball will develop. Your little baby you have there, stop thinking about fertilizer, don't do it. Give her distilled water and let her cotyledon (embryonic leaf) do it's job. Get that little girl away from any kind of direct LED! Even 40 inches over her with that strong of LED is fatal!

If you must keep her there, raise her even 4' and place the seedling in indirect lighting. I've a King 1000W LED True watts 768, that will cook an adult plant in LIGHT not heat at 24". I never go lower than 26 in Veg, keep between 26 and 30. Only use this light for first 2 weeks of flowering.

So let that little baby ease into things. Keep her in that germination disc until you see a couple roots emerging from bottom or side.

Then plant that disc in the soil peat moss, soil starting organic tab mix and lightly water the area around the disk and disk itself. Don't fertilze yet.

Let her grow in that pot in indirect lighting under your LED until the first set of true leaves, the single leafette, outgrows and obviously is much more robust than the cotyledon leafs. At the next watering, use Medina Hasta La Grow 6-12-6. Home Depot, any of it, water your now toddler plant with a 50% mix of the manufacturer label instructions for watering and feeding at every water. That's right, this stuff is organic, it's low low salt, minimum chance of burn. You can feed every water or foliar feed 1 / week. Great stuff, has Humic Acid as a soil buffer and Microbiological ingredients for soil health as well.

Forget about the phancy monster grow fertilizers, I'm not saying one cannot make them work with good results, I'm saying you are at base camp level 1, in the basement signing up and your trying to gain access to the group with flowering plants on the roof.

Be patient. Distilled water only with the exception of Black Strap Molasses (SULPHUR FREE). You can give your plant a dose of BS mol every time water. Teaspoon / quart. Yes, Medina says you can feed every water, but don't do this. Feed, then don't feed next water, on the dont feeds, distilled and BS mol only. Let your plant dry out between waterings. Learn and know what the pot feels, weighs, like dry, then how feels, weighs, immediately after you water. Don't water until your pot has the feel of weight it was when dry. Remember, there's good stuff in the organic soil your using alone. You're supplementing every other maybe. Don't worry about your distilled water PH. Don't take it just to see, Distilled water is an absolute neutral. Any digital ph meter you place into it will likely jump and not steady a reading, confusing you into doing something you shouldn't.

Follow these steps, continue using Medina into flowering. If you'd like to healthy supplement, during flowering add some bone meal and continue said above regimen. Keep it simple. Good light, you have. Just don't cook them. I've a total of 4 King Burns under my belt. You'll know it when it happens, the immediate resulting injury almost resembles accruing blisters, then they soften out and the leaf looses all color in blistered area, if not corrected immediately, major deformations start developing and very quickly the growth tip will be destroyed.

Easy nutrients, medina, what's in the soil, black strap molasses, and organic soil tabs is all you need.

You could grow that girl in organic soil alone, water with distilled and BS mol only, no fertilizers. You could take her to flower like that, still no fertilizer. Finish and harvest her with still no fertilizer. You would grow an extremely impressive 1st grow run even going with no nutes. If you continue with the marathon pace and thoughts of what could be wrong, you will have a very unpleasant grow. Take it easy champ! Follow my easy beginner tips for you and your yield will be nice, given you train to keep your colas mowed even.
First time grower ....DWC system with GH trio nutrients at quarter 4 after seed sprouted.....light is 1000 W bestva led at 30inch height..... today I saw yellowish leaves it light bleach or nutrients deficiency ??? solution pH is 5.2 now ( waiting for pH up solution , will be delivered with in 1 week ) ....please advice me....

I just noticed. You have and are using deep water culture system.

My tip to you, you're trying to start at experienced level and you're not. If you continue the Hydro grow, your chances of complete failure or minimum of any yield are very HIGH!

Get a few soil grows under your belt....

I just noticed. You have and are using deep water culture system.

My tip to you, you're trying to start at experienced level and you're not. If you continue the Hydro grow, your chances of complete failure or minimum of any yield are very HIGH!

Get a few soil grows under your belt....

Thank you for the advice....sure will start soil grow along with the present system.....
Be careful you don't drown it

Is the roots in the water? If so drop that water down an Inch

Raise yer pH

Get some hydroguard or z7 ASAP

And holler if u have questions

And pics of yet setup...we line pics

I am using hydroguard ....I have two plant in 6 gallon tub.....only one plant developed good root system.....other one still not showing any roots outside .......that's why I kept the water level as just touching the bottom of netpot .....

Any way I just change the led from 1000w to 250 w.....let c the progress.....

Thank you for the reply.....
You can (and should) disregard 99% of the "organic" proponent's advice, because you're using a hydroponic method. Most especially, lol, disregard this part:

My tip to you, you're trying to start at experienced level and you're not. If you continue the Hydro grow, your chances of complete failure or minimum of any yield are very HIGH!

Choosing to go with DWC hydroponics for your first cannabis grow, and bringing it to a successful harvest requires:

A decent digital pH meter, the correct calibration/storage solutions, and the ability to follow simple calibration instructions.

A set of hydroponics-friendly nutrients.

At least four more brain cells than the average oyster ;). In other words, the ability to read (and comprehend what you've read) at a 4th grade level.

A pulse.

Not absolutely necessary, but highly recommended:
An EC (electrical conductivity, AKA "TDS" and "PPM") meter.
A modicum of common sense.

- - - - -

BtW, and in no particular order:

I never bother to run the water level all the way up, but that's just me; instead, I water by hand (using the nutrient solution) several times per day. I've found that plants are "hardwired" to grow a root system, and that they seem to do so somewhat quicker, on average, when they're only receiving the minimum amount of water and nutrients that they need. (Which also tends to encourage root development in cuttings.) But, again, that's what works for me. If you're not sure you can do this without danger of letting the tiny little seedling dry out, then you should probably trust your own judgement.

Always remember, what keeps plants growing in water healthy in a DWC setup (even though plants growing in constantly waterlogged soil tend to die) is active aeration - bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles.

I'm assuming that the GH nutrients you're feeding at ¼-strength are the three-part Flora set, and that you're using the generic 1:blushsmile:1 ratio for now. If not, please advise. If so... at that level of plant development, you could probably dilute your nutrient solution even further, up (down, lol?) to ⅛-strength. But what you're doing now is probably not going to harm your baby plants.

If temperatures fall too far, it interferes with the plant's ability to process magnesium. I suspect this is a factor in why a lot of people who use (lower-powered) LED lighting have to add more than average. I don't recall the exact temperature, but if you're having to insulate your reservoir against the heat that your light is producing, it's probably not an issue - but Winter happens, lol, so I thought I'd mention it.

Unlike soil, water has no buffering ability. If you're new, this is a good thing - if you see an issue, you can generally be sure that the most recent thing you did was a causal factor. And when you fix the issue, you'll also tend to notice quickly for the same reason. Makes it easier to learn when you don't have to wait around for results, lol. Read one or more of the threads on nutrient (element) deficiencies/toxicities, and print it/them, if possible, so you'll always have the information handy.

I've never liked growing more than one plant per reservoir. Doing so means you're feeding the plants the same ratio of nutrients, and at the same strength. And that gives up one of the major benefits of hydroponics (the ability to tailor exactly what the plant has access to).

I mentioned that aeration of your nutrient solution is important, but it bears repeating. Do so continually! Running your air pump (et cetera) on a timer is a *BAD* idea. A constant high level of DO (dissolved oxygen) in your nutrient reservoir not only promotes a high level of growth and a healthy plant, it also makes the environment hostile to anaerobic bacteria - and it even helps the plant be a "more efficient feeder."

If you have not already done so, I strongly suggest you create a grow journal thread and try to keep it updated. That can be very helpful for an inexperienced cannabis grower.

At that stage, and for a little while, a couple of 23-watt CFLs would provide adequate lighting. I'm just saying. . . .
Good morning Anook, and don't fret ,it is entirely possibly to have a great harvest your first go around in hydro, just read, read, read. The advise from TorturedSoul is a great start. Only thing I would add is to get the net pot without roots out of the water and drip feed it by hand until the tap root reaches down into the res. Plus your ph is way to low , I start out at 5.6 and it should slowely rise from there. Good luck with your first grow and ask all the questions you need.
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