Is something wrong with my seedlings?

Emylia knows her stuff, you gotta control ph because once your in the sweet spot your plants will uptake all the nutes you are feeding. Just grab yourself some good fertilizer, ph pen, even if it’s for your next grow. To be honest if I wasn’t on this site I’d be lost in google and youtube lol

Thats great and all but she couldve said it a different way. Instead of just saying everything im doing is wrong.

It was fun and funny while it lasted, sry I get mad easily and ruined it for yall.
You guys can blame Emilya for that.

Thanks everyone
And if your still reading, since Im doing everything so wrong. Im going to germinate a seed today and follow the Fox Farm sched TSP by TSP. PH by PH and see what happens. Since SOMEONES so damn sure of my bad. Herself.
Bruh...what point of New Grower do you not understand? Ive been using youtube and shit. I dont know where you expect me to get all this information you speak of . But at the end of the day. A seed is a fuckin seed. And nobody is out in nature pHing the water and balancing nutrients and shit. Its gone grow regardless! So, instead of chopping off my head for not having information that I'm Clearly trying to recieve, how about you give me some damn intel?

Sorry Darion, didnt mean to offend. I was trying to make a point, not disparage you. My point is that there is a method to allow the plants to make all of these decisions for us, and they are much better at it than we are.
As far as the comparison to an outside grow out in nature, it simply is not the same thing. In nature we don't have to adjust pH because we are not using chemical nutrients that absolutely have to be within a certain pH range to be effective... if it were not for that, you are right, there would be no need to adjust pH.
So again, not trying to chop your head off, just trying to let you know that there is a better way than what you are doing now, and once I can get you to try this you are going to see that this is way better than what you have been doing. Hats off to you for doing your studying and trying to get information, and indeed that led you to me, but please understand that I hold very little regard for YouTube Grow Gurus and websites and members on those websites trying to gain popularity. That is not how I operate. I really don't care if I am popular or not, but what I do care about is that people know that when I say something it is usually well researched and based in fact. I call them as I see them and I don't pull punches.
So again, sorry for the way I worded that last one. I have written many papers on how to properly water and some of the tag lines in my pieces are what you got there. Who decided when and how much and all that... it came from past work, and it was not an attack on you. I really am trying to help.
Please read my link and my signature work, How to Properly Water a Potted Plant.... the link is right below. This work and the ideas I present in there have changed so many people's ideas on how to water this weed, that you will see hundreds of members including the link to it in their own signature lines.
Please read it now. It is the best intel that I can give you... the truth and the results of my years of research. I give it to you with my love and respect. :peace: :love:
Bruh...what point of New Grower do you not understand? Ive been using youtube and shit. I dont know where you expect me to get all this information you speak of . But at the end of the day. A seed is a fuckin seed. And nobody is out in nature pHing the water and balancing nutrients and shit. Its gone grow regardless! So, instead of chopping off my head for not having information that I'm Clearly trying to recieve, how about you give me some damn intel?

no, but a lot of people create a specific medium for growing outdoors to ensure the medium stays within the correct pH range. reading the post about how to properly water a potted plant will help any grower a lot, even some experienced growers have taken something away from that thread.

pH is actually important. if you carry on thinking it's not you'll soon be posting pictures of your fucked up plants qq ing and begging for help. so be nice.
How would I go about getting some Nitrogen? Its in powder form right? Or am I that much of a noobie?

I’ll keep this simple in lieu of getting back into the nitrogen levels of natural remedies.

Sticking with your fox farm brand, buy Grow Big. It has 6% Nitrogen 4% Phosphorus 4% Potassium, as identified on the bottom of its label as 6-4-4.

Nitrogen, 1st number, greens up the plant
Phosphorus, 2nd, flower/bloom growth
Potassium, 3rd, all around health

Notice the numbers on the bottle of fox farm big bloom that you are using; they are very low. Use big bloom in conjunction with tiger bloom when your plants start flowering, as the big bloom will help you grow larger fruit. Don’t mind attention to fox farm instructions, you have to dig in and understand what nutrients cannabis needs throughout life cycle.

Hang in though bro, life a big cycle of learning.
Impressive... but wouldn't you be just a little embarrassed if someone accused you of peeing on these plants? I certainly wouldn't think this to be a good marketing point for a commercial operation, organic or not.
I admit that I've always peed on my gorrilla style outdoor plants, and I don't think one person has complained. But inside, I'll use other avenues. And I'm done with bat shit too, I mean is bat poop somehow cleaner than human urine ? :rofl: :passitleft::surf:

How are your plants progressing?

Check out the link below before buying fertilizers. Sorry @Emilya , but the boy has to learn what nutrients are and where they come from before giving him a license to grow. You probably agree with me on this; the cannabis grows community needs to truly educate future growers, not just help them grow.

Teach a man to grow and you smoke him out for a lifetime. Help him grow and you smoke him out with chemical tasting bud for a month. That was a bad analogy, but you should understand where I am going with the ideology.

Happy New Year everyone!! :Namaste:
Hi guys!
New grower here...sstartup 2 more plants about a month ago now. They are showing weird signs though. One was first yellowing up and dying but i waa able to save it by repotting it and water (left in bigger pot) but still seems to be a litle yellow. And the other one (right in smaller pot) is now starting to yellow, and shrivel up and break off. Ive lost 2 sets of finger leaves now, not sure why.

Grow Medium: %80 Happy Frog, %10 Perlite, %10 Hydrotons.
Nutes: Big Bloom by Fox Farm
Water: pHed to 6.5-6.8

Any help is appreciated ! Thanks!
Stop using big bloom before flowering is my advice i use happy frog every grow and never add anything to the medium until flower and never have issues its the big bloom causing your issue i know they say you can use throughout growth but it can cause uptake lockout and nute burn.

How are your plants progressing?

Check out the link below before buying fertilizers. How to make your own fertilizer for cannabis plants -

Teach a man to grow and you smoke him out for a lifetime. Help him grow and you smoke him out with chemical tasting bud for a month. That was a bad analogy, but you should understand where I am going with the ideology.

Happy New Year everyone!! :Namaste:

They are doing better, thanks for asking!
Sending them into flower in about another month or so.


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