Is this nutrient burn or a deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I was checking on my plant the other day and noticed leaf tips turning yellow and brown and younger leafs beginning to "claw". I am assuming I am dealing with a nutrient burn but I am not sure if I should flush. I am wondering if it could actually be a deficiency since the soil is nearly dry and I am about to water and I would like to make sure whether to add or not nutrients because the next step could cost me a lot. Have a look...



I'd wait for an experienced grower to chime in (no slight intended Jamfen), and we need to know what type of soil your using. It can be packed with nutes or be barren of them. I prefer hydro so Ill stay clear, my 2 cents are nute burn and over watering? But no...its dry...
What's your temps and rh?

@Pennywise or @013 should be able to help hopefully. Till then sit be fine
I'd wait for an experienced grower to chime in (no slight intended Jamfen), and we need to know what type of soil your using. It can be packed with nutes or be barren of them. I prefer hydro so Ill stay clear, my 2 cents are nute burn and over watering? But no...its dry...
What's your temps and rh?

Soil comes packed with nutrients enough to sustain her a month, I previously moved her to a bigger pot and used the same soil, then I added some 1/4 of the recommended dosage of veg fertilizer with pH at around 6 - 6.1 and I think that's where my mistake was and it's what might have caused the nutrient burn because I forgot the soil had a high nutrient content already. The temperatures are steady 27°C, humidity is below 70 but not over 60 which I think is a fine range.

I’m no expert as I’m in the middle of my first grow but doesn‘t nite burn start on leaf tips like your photo shows? Hopefully an experienced grower helps soon :0.
I also assume is nutrient burn but you can never be sure, that's why I am here :D Thanks for your opinion anyway :)
I'd wait for an experienced grower to chime in (no slight intended Jamfen), and we need to know what type of soil your using. It can be packed with nutes or be barren of them. I prefer hydro so Ill stay clear, my 2 cents are nute burn and over watering? But no...its dry...
What's your temps and rh?

@Pennywise or @013 should be able to help hopefully. Till then sit be fine
Lol.. no problems .. i am experienced on 8th grow year .. just still not an expert ;)
Lol.. no problems .. i am experienced on 8th grow year .. just still not an expert ;)
Lmao way more experienced then I am :adore::sorry::passitleft:

I probably could have chosen better wording -truly feel bad about that!
Not a pro by any stretch but I’m thinking I would skip the nutes and do plain water adjusted for ph and water until runoff. Those burned leaf tips will not recover but watch the new growth. Think she was double fed since the soil was loaded with nutes plus the bottle fed nutes.

What is your soil mix? Or is that coco?

Flushing is a possibility too, I would like to hear Pennywise or Emilya jump in if they are around! Maybe wait another hour or two to see if we can get them to reply?
That’s a great point Prof and noted by the Celt about leaf tips burning from contact with the soil. You guys are awesome. Now I feel real bad cuz I read this and brain was still asleep.... but you’ve got major talent right here already with Rexer and Nutty Professor, and The Celt rolling up is just more icing on the intellectual growmie cake!

Never forget that I’m the greenest newbie greenhorn in the land!!
The obvious problem is water is going to activate the nutes again, but that’s probably much safer than digging her up and washing the roots off and starting over. I’d stick with plain ph water and let her dry out for at least 4 to 6 days minimum. teach yourself to watch her leaf posture and wait until it shows slight wilt and then give a drink but not until 4 to 6 days have passed, the container should be light as a feather
Thanks for your replies guys, they really are helpful.

did you wet the leaves too and did they hang in the soil ? that would also burn them tips ( if touching the soil for a while ) nute burn would be on the tips of most more yellow ( i would think ) not sure

It is very likely this would be a cause since I transplanted last week and I covered a lot of the stem with soil to boost the root development so the last leaves might have been touching the fresh watered and fertilized soil so they got burned. She grew a bit since and now they don't touch anymore however, to be certain, I am going to follow @Pennywise and @013 advice since I've been thinking the same thing: to give her pH balanced water until runoff, instead of flushing it, I will also take pH and TDS measurements of it and since I have a soil pH tester I will test the soil too and do an average, this should give me a good idea of what's going on in the soil and if it's not the pH that causes a lockout instead. I will also be monitoring it further to make sure it doesn't spread, because if it still does and all things (pH, TDS, EC etc) are optimal I will have to return for answers.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the replies and I wish y'all happy growing! ;)
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