Jackopotomus EWC & Pro-Mix 2018

Dont be talking about -42 degrees. I dont want to hear about that. Lol.

Looked at the girls today, I was a little quick to take the Sour Diesel 2 out of the race. Her leaves look bigger, but LTK has more pronounced secondary leaves. The best news is Trainwreck has officially sprouted! I'll post some pics when lights come on.
Dont be talking about -42 degrees. I dont want to hear about that. Lol.

Looked at the girls today, I was a little quick to take the Sour Diesel 2 out of the race. Her leaves look bigger, but LTK has more pronounced secondary leaves. The best news is Trainwreck has officially sprouted! I'll post some pics when lights come on.
Yee. Imma be putting up a new pic at 6 when lights come on, even though there won't be much change.
I also noticed today when I lifted the solo cups I saw worms on the surface. Good news is soil is healthy, bad news is I will definitely need to find a mulch cover was hoping just to wait till my 2nd crop and use the stalks but a $5 bag of mulch will keep my worms happier.

Ooh. Worms eh. Heard about that.
I can't get Worms now. Too much snow.


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I got my first batch of worms from a bait shop, their population will double every 90 days. The first year and a half I kept the worm farm in too small of a container, when I was moving I put my outdoor compost into a larger bin and added my worms, but a bunch of worms came in the compost. Been over 6 months of being indoors and having worms munch it down.
My worms are red wigglers so they naturally stick to the surface, but they hate light so they live in mulch. Night crawlers like to bury deep in the soil if I had any of those and saw them at the surface it would definitely be a sign of compact soil but in this case I think I'm safe. But I'll keep an eye out for any other indicators of soil compaction.
Worms are like plants they dont actually eat the mulch they eat the bacteria breaking down the mulch. The truly amazing thing about worms as I understand is that they pop out more bacteria then they eat!
The reason the worms are hanging out under the solo cups is that it's nice and dark there. If I dont mulch they will just hang out a little further down in the medium. Mulching isn't really necessary, just that it will make a small impact. Like most things with this hobby, do you have to? No. Will your plants like it better if you do? Yes.
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