Led lighting setup


New Member
I have 6x2 closet that I'm goin to be using. I was thinkin about using a 7-band high power 3w led chip 240w. What would u guys think about this and if I shouldn't use that what should I use. I'll be growing about 4-5 plants in Water culture hydro system. Also I've heard that the growing stages are a lil different than when u are growing with HID lights. Is that true?
hey stoner25 welcome to the club
I've been playing with the LEDs for about 2 months now I had 2 smaller 150 w units that i used for veg and they seemed pretty good. I did notice that the structure of the plant changed somewhat more bushy and dense.
I recently upgraded for flowering with the magnum plus model, i don't think its sponsored here but i'm still reserving judgement on it. I think the foot prints for flower and veg are different flower being much smaller. My beef is they claim to handle a 4x4 area no problem but from what i"m seeing more of a 3x3 area. A lot of dough i hope it pays off. I also noticed these lights in general can't penetrate very well. As my plants grow taller the lower limbs start dying off. Not from nutrient issues but seems like lack of light. I ve been keeping records of my journal and hopefully it pays off and helps people decide.
Ok I was thinking about splitting the room up. Use like a 2x2 spot for flowering and using the the other 4x2 for veg growth using florcesent bulbs until I can save up and buy another led panel. Keeping 2 plants flowering at a time n two in veg so I can keep it continiously growing n flowing. Would that work better?
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