Hello we are a sponsor here on 420 and I wanted to chime in.

The PARForce 500 generates 1.35 PPFD/watt.


PPFD Per Dollar is where Smart Grow provides Value

Hybrid Tech is going to post all the results on their Youtube channel.

Always available if you have questions regarding led technology. Happy Growing
I've been using a Par-Force 250 for six months and I really like it! :thumb:
Thanks i think I'm going to get one it is a lot of money . The only problem they come out with something better than you want that .

I hear yeah the technology evolving fast its hard to buy in as things progress so fast.. be sure and use ppfd per 4 x 4 area as your benchmark.. Smart Grow Technologies will always offer fair upgrade packages as we want you to grow down the river of technology right beside us :)
I might have to sit back and see what comes out . I hate to get a thousand watter than get an LED . Hope 2016 more states make it legal i know my state of MD is thinking about it.The more it becomes legal the technology will just get better .
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