Look and see my magic - Need opinions on this


Well-Known Member
here are some photos I would like ur opinion on.:thanks::thumb::thanks:

I have a DWC system and these plants are about 6 weeks old.They don't look like they are doing as good as I think they should I'm adding one more photo that looks like black spots on the roots.Not sure what that is.Sorry the pic is blurry

I did HST on them 11 days ago. It looks like they have stopped growing.I tied them up tonight to do LST on them.Iv'e been told that you can HST after giving them 3 to 4 days to bounce back.They don't look like they can handle another training session other then LST to me.And it seems to me that they are pretty fragile to. 2 small stems were broken,I taped them back together with scotch tape and painters blue tape to see whats is going to work best. It's my first grow in 22 years and it's a new system I'm using,and this is the first time I have used any training on plants.We use to top and prune. A lot has changed.

Any words of wisdom and or opinions would be greatly appreciated:thanks::thumb::thanks:
Hydro is fun. They look fine. When are yours going into 12/12? How many liters per minute is your air pump?

Come see my hydro Colombian gold in flower I LST´d mine

The most important thing is your leaves look great and no sign of deficiencies!


Ok my air pump says it has 254 GPH and 2.81 psi. Do u think that's enough? I do have one plant that the leaves are only about 1 inch wide,it looks good except the size is so small.Would you do some more HST on them? I did that 12 days ago and I'm not sure about doing it again because the stems are lot smaller then the main stalk was.Sorry for all questions , And appreciate all the help:thanks::thumb::thanks:
My air supply is 254 GPH and 2.81 PSI and that is for all 4 buckets. Do u think that is enough? GPH means gallons per hour right? I have 1 plant that the leaves are only about 1 inch wide,Would you know anything about that? Appreciate any comment or suggestions you might have. Thanks
That's why I'm asking for some good advice. I don't know what scrog means.And I don't know what you mean when you say flip.A couple of the plants are still a lot smaller and I don't why.Thanks for the reply and the and the advice.
They look healthy, and they're going to grow a little slower after you stress them - they need to recover. They'll be back to normal soon and you can keep training! They're looking good, and depending on how much height you have, you may want to consider flipping soon, like chenzi said.

A SCROG is using some type of support structure to hold all the the buds at the same height. Usually people use chicken wire / string / nets to make the a mesh shape. There are lots of examples if you search. Here's my current setup.

Hey there pete, flipping is when you switch lighting hours to go from veg to flower. Wow jojo your scrog bucket looks awesome and that plant... jeez , just made my scrog for my first grow comin soon very inspiring :) jojo was the scrog all that you did to make all the buds come through like that or did you do some l.s.t as well?
My air supply is 254 GPH and 2.81 PSI and that is for all 4 buckets. Do u think that is enough? GPH means gallons per hour right? I have 1 plant that the leaves are only about 1 inch wide,Would you know anything about that? Appreciate any comment or suggestions you might have. Thanks

Pete, 254 / 60 give you 4.x liters per minute and if you have 4 buckets, your only getting about 1 lpm in each. I recommend a bigger pump. Your current pump is only good for one bucket, IMO. I have 160 lpm going into one 5 gallon bucket and it moves across the floor if I don't put a carpet beneath it.

With all that LPM I don't use a stone. I just stopped up the end of a 1/4 inch hose and drilled 1/16 inch holes into it. You don't want pressure making your pump louder and hotter. It will last less time that way.

The only downside for me is the noise, but it's a small sacrifice for having my own awesome bud that is resistant to root rot.

If you can increase your air to at least 5 lpm per bucket, they would be happier I believe.

There are plenty of 20 lpm pumps on the internets and under $100 and should only consume 15 watts more or less.

Pete, 254 / 60 give you 4.x liters per minute and if you have 4 buckets, your only getting about 1 lpm in each. I recommend a bigger pump. Your current pump is only good for one bucket, IMO. I have 160 lpm going into one 5 gallon bucket and it moves across the floor if I don't put a carpet beneath it.

With all that LPM I don't use a stone. I just stopped up the end of a 1/4 inch hose and drilled 1/16 inch holes into it. You don't want pressure making your pump louder and hotter. It will last less time that way.

The only downside for me is the noise, but it's a small sacrifice for having my own awesome bud that is resistant to root rot.

If you can increase your air to at least 5 lpm per bucket, they would be happier I believe.

There are plenty of 20 lpm pumps on the internets and under $100 and should only consume 15 watts more or less.

I agree with everything vlad has laid down here. You need about (a gallon of air per minute)/gallon of water, minimum. If you have 12 gallons of water in total. Then you'll want a pump that is at least 720gph(45Lpm). Or add another pump with enough strength to make up the difference.
They're both right Pete,
If on the other hand you were recirculating your nutrient, you may be able to get away with it , so long as you had a waterfall effect with your return to your reservoir. Just my 2 cents worth.

Thanks for your 2 cents worth.I have a DWC system and the water doesn't recirculate,so I'm not sure what you mean by getting away with it.Could you explain please. And thank you:thanks::thumb::thanks:
Hey there pete, flipping is when you switch lighting hours to go from veg to flower. Wow jojo your scrog bucket looks awesome and that plant... jeez , just made my scrog for my first grow comin soon very inspiring :) jojo was the scrog all that you did to make all the buds come through like that or did you do some l.s.t as well?

I did plenty of LST. I just weaved the branches in between the net. It is very easy on them and I never broke a branch.

Thanks for your 2 cents worth.I have a DWC system and the water doesn't recirculate,so I'm not sure what you mean by getting away with it.Could you explain please. And thank you:thanks::thumb::thanks:

Pete, he was saying that if you recirculated your nutrient solution you could probably get by with a lower powered air pump, provided the nutrient solution got a little more air mixed in, as it was returned to the reservoir, such as "waterfalling" into it. I think the take-away here is that you need more air!
I hear what you are saying,I think,but how can I recirculate water with a DWC system.It's not a drip system like I have seen other DWC systems.I don't mean to seem dumb about this,but I have never used a system like this before.I appreciate ur time and patience.I have used a Ebb and drain system .FYI
Pete, I have fixed the link to my journal, if you wanna look at my set up.
It's gonna be a stretch to convert yours at this stage without buying more buckets and set up plumbing.
Just go to youtube and search recirculating d.w.c. , there's plenty to copy there.
You would need to irrigate from the top and drain from the bottom, pretty easy to do, just drilling some holes and adding elbows with grommets and connecting some hose. You only need a small aquarium pump to circulate your nutrient to your plants, and gravity will do the rest.Reservoir will be lower than your buckets, it makes it easier all round, all adjustments to ph and nutrients done from reservoir and changing nutes becomes much easier, add a float valve for fresh top up water and, voila,a much easier way of achieving success !!:thumb:
Pete, I have fixed the link to my journal, if you wanna look at my set up.
It's gonna be a stretch to convert yours at this stage without buying more buckets and set up plumbing.
Just go to youtube and search recirculating d.w.c. , there's plenty to copy there.
You would need to irrigate from the top and drain from the bottom, pretty easy to do, just drilling some holes and adding elbows with grommets and connecting some hose. You only need a small aquarium pump to circulate your nutrient to your plants, and gravity will do the rest.Reservoir will be lower than your buckets, it makes it easier all round, all adjustments to ph and nutrients done from reservoir and changing nutes becomes much easier, add a float valve for fresh top up water and, voila,a much easier way of achieving success !!:thumb:

It looks freaking awesome and I would love to have a set up like that. Only problem is that I don't have that kind of space.I have a 30 inch x 48 inch closet to work with right now.Thank you very much for your advice,what I'm going to do is top the 2 large ones. And hope the 2 small ones catch up.And go from there.Hope to hear from u again sometime.
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