Looking For High CBD


New Member
High Again people i am looking for a high CBD as a friend of mine uses MJ and has seizures everyday and is unable to eat or be able to use the tinkers bc it makes them puke

I was told one time TrueBlueberry was marked at 14% at one time but i am unaware of any real high cbd as not enough information about the % that are in strain
if you have a site i would love to be able to see it
We have the answers you need right here, do a quick search under "high cbd" and you'll find dozens of threads on the subject. Also, make sure you check out the Medical Marijuana Strain Guide. It doesn't list all cbd% but you will get a huge amount of info to start with.

If your friend has trouble with tinctures, here's our Methods of medication. Hopefully out of these 100's of recipes and new ideas there will be a favorite tucked away.

Peace and 420 :hippy:
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