Marijuana Church Leader To Go On Trial

Hi All, As a Legal Secretary, I had to learn about Laws! I feel, that IF "Rev." Craig X, had, instead, had a Real Church/Temple . . . that used Cannabis as a "Sacrament" (i.e. used as a "blessing" sage-type wand on it's paritioners) and did NOT charge a $100. a year Membership "fee" -to join up and did NOT sell to it's members MJ ("medical" or not), but perhaps allow members to "use there own" sacrament, with a Dr.'s recommendation (state's Prop 215 & SB 420) . . . he wouldn't be in ALL this HOT WATER and 7 yr. prison time, now! OK, so let's say a lady-cop came and wanted to worship GOD, see and be part of a Cannabis (church/temple) ritual, she could not buy the cannabis sacrament, but only see and be part of the cerimonial ritual the church/temple has + see that some are using their own sacrement, there! The only thing she could condem the church/temple for seems to be allowing members to use their own sacrament in their worship of GOD and his cannabis plant as "the Tree-Of-Life"! I doubt if he'd be in such HOT WATER then. It would be a Real Cannabis church/temple, then . . . don't ya think??? My thoughts here. Comments/ideas? =Judy=
The Reverend Craig X Rubin, leader of the 420 Temple, argued in a court hearing that marijuana is a religious sacrament and its usage in his church is protected under federal law.

But the judge ruled that Rubin could not use the federal law as a defense because he faces only state charges.

This is the most BULLSHIT Ive ever heard!

In_Hollywood, you do speak the truth. You bring about a very good point! I will give you credit on that one.
Hi All, I missed the TV news on this -did any staton report on what happened, in court, Friday (17th) with this "Rev."?? I know he has some stuff online about his situation. The US Constituton (1st Amendment, I think), states 'Freedom of Religion", but it must be a recognised Religion by a number of people, (i.e. the Catholic church, or a Jewish Temple/Synagoge), to be applicable. Federal law also has out-lawed Marijuana (since 1937), however state laws state certain things with Prop.215 & SB 420, of which "Rev." Craig X. did Not comply with (i.e. his Church/Temple is NOT a dispensary - for the "donation" fees - for Medical Marijuana to "quailified" Patients with Dr.'s "notes" + he "sold" a few grams of MJ to an undercover "Member" who happened to be a Lady Cop, with NO Dr.'s "note" for an illness, plus could be considered a MJ "dealer" when he sold those grams to a church/temple member - with or without a Dr.'s "Note"!! He thus, broke the laws of the state & perhaps the Federal ban on MJ laws, too)! He has no defense, here! He blew it! He may have registered his Church/Temple with the state, but . . . his Ordination from ULC, clearly states that one must be "Within the Law!", need I say more? It's too bad, this has happened . . . it only gives a bad reputation to "medical" MJ users - for our illnesses (we can use it Spiritually, too, but in private, as I'm sure many do)! =Judy=
quote from craig x this morning.

The judge gave me a few days in jail, but she is letting me out on appeal because I think she realized I was set up and that the government is dealing medical marijuana.
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