Massachusetts Growers

Great to see local folks in MA growing like mad. I have been away. This is my first post in a long time. When COVID hit, I got super OCD on processing buds/trim to oil. Other than growing weed solely to have the material to make golden honey oil, I've spent all my time reading and figuring things out.

My last oil run, which is my 4th, produced 126 grams, or 60x of these 2ml syringes. I think I have enough oil to last me the year, while being all silly with it! Still have my stash of flower to roll bones with, and smoke out of my favorite bong.

Lastly, I dropped a 0.2ml sample off at MCR up in Framingham. I'm very interested in seeing official lab tested results. Hopefully, it will help me tweek a few parts of my process to increase the potency.

Again, great to see everyone still cranking along!

Happy Fall!

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Nothing like harvesting with a nice cup of tea! 1/4 gram of oil per cup!
Anyone else have a rough night? My girls outdoors took a beating. They were already heavy and thick, but with all the rain over night, and the wind, all six plants are beat the hell!

My first outdoor grow. I'm still crazy excited I made it this far!

Anyway, the seasons are changin, and if the girls do make it to harvest in the next couple weeks, so much work to do! Good problem to have!

Hope you all are doing well!
Great to see local folks in MA growing like mad. I have been away. This is my first post in a long time. When COVID hit, I got super OCD on processing buds/trim to oil. Other than growing weed solely to have the material to make golden honey oil, I've spent all my time reading and figuring things out.

My last oil run, which is my 4th, produced 126 grams, or 60x of these 2ml syringes. I think I have enough oil to last me the year, while being all silly with it! Still have my stash of flower to roll bones with, and smoke out of my favorite bong.

Lastly, I dropped a 0.2ml sample off at MCR up in Framingham. I'm very interested in seeing official lab tested results. Hopefully, it will help me tweek a few parts of my process to increase the potency.

Again, great to see everyone still cranking along!

Hey Zeroday, nice to see you back. Oil looks great! Do you process it(if yes, how the heck do you get it to look so good/) or do we have someone in the state that can do it for us?
Hey Zeroday, nice to see you back. Oil looks great! Do you process it(if yes, how the heck do you get it to look so good/) or do we have someone in the state that can do it for us?
Hey there Otter! Thx for the welcome back! I’ve been busy popping out kidney stones and loving life! You know, the grind!

I make the oil myself. I have a thread here some where, I’ll go find it and link it. It’s a long winded sort of deal, I was learning as I went, so I think the thread sucked in the end.

I know there are other folks instate doing it, but they all work for someone and are locked up in NDAs. I’m just in it for the fun. totally willing to share my SOPs! It’s too much fun not to share!

Nice calm skies tonight here. Hoping you have the same!

Weather is ripe for mold, WPM.... I'm chopping this weekend. Supposed to be nice enough, no rain until going into Monday morning early.

How are you all doing with your harvest? Hope everyone is doing well. Love this time of year!!!
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