Strain - Mostly indica Master kush
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - Hydro
Grow Stage - Veg
Setup - DWC
Light - 440 watt california light works LED
Nutrients - General Hydronponics flora line
RO water starts at 20-25ppm
10ml/gal grow 5ml/gal micro 5ml/gal bloom 5ml/gal magicali 1ml/gal armorSI
Medium - Hydroton
PPM - 800
PH - 5.9
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -70-75
Solution Temperature -66.6
Room Square Footage - 9
Pests - None Known
Problem: I had two other fan leaves do the same thing before I topped and I Just cannot seem to figure out what is causing this. It all is happening on the upper fan leaves of the plant, non below the first 4 inches of the top. Starts out as some intervenal chlorosis. And it takes over a week for it too look the way it does now.Any ideas please? Thank you too all in advance
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - Hydro
Grow Stage - Veg
Setup - DWC
Light - 440 watt california light works LED
Nutrients - General Hydronponics flora line
RO water starts at 20-25ppm
10ml/gal grow 5ml/gal micro 5ml/gal bloom 5ml/gal magicali 1ml/gal armorSI
Medium - Hydroton
PPM - 800
PH - 5.9
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -70-75
Solution Temperature -66.6
Room Square Footage - 9
Pests - None Known
Problem: I had two other fan leaves do the same thing before I topped and I Just cannot seem to figure out what is causing this. It all is happening on the upper fan leaves of the plant, non below the first 4 inches of the top. Starts out as some intervenal chlorosis. And it takes over a week for it too look the way it does now.Any ideas please? Thank you too all in advance