Maxi Jet 1200 For Hydroponics


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I am trying to build a perpetual grow set up and I need help with the Maxi-Jet 120 pump modification or adapter. I am using 3" baskets for the clones after they leave the Turbo Kloner. I have a large plastic tub that holds the 3" baskets and want to use the mentioned pump to deliver a drip system to the 3" baskets with Hydroton. I need to know how to build or where to purchase some type of adapter that will allow me to connect the 1/4 inch tubing to the pump to feed the drip emitters. I hope I am clear on the mission at hand and would greatly appreciate any assistance you DIY folks can provide.

Thanks for all your support.
Buy a bit of 1/2" or 5/8th inch" tubing, attach to pump and tie off the other end, get some 1/4" barbs and a hole punch, punch hole(s) in tube, insert barbs, attach barbs to tubing and have a good time :)
Thanks GScully, I never thought of that. I was hoping there would be something different but this sounds like it would work. Thanks again for your help.
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