Medgrowgirl's - DWC/Drip - Autoflower - Closet - 2015


New Member
Hi everyone so this is the first grow that I am doing on my own, I have done grunt work for others but never had my own plants. I thought it might be good for me to blog it in a journal so I can look back on it and see what I did right or wrong, and maybe help someone else. I am a complete noob to growing but I have a gut instinct about them that seems to be serving me right so far..

The basic info:

This in an Indoor, closet sized tent grow (2'X4'X 5' tall).

For the time being only for veg and seedling I am using 300w worth of CFL blue/white. 24/0

4 inch computer style fan circulating air inside the tent, not enough to ruffle the plants, just enough to cause a little twitching every now and again. Fan will be changed to vent once flowering light comes in.

Temps are ranging from 72-78.

I am using the GH DWC/Drip "water farm buckets". Expanded clay medium that may or may not have some bits of exploded glass medium mixed in.

Using H & G Nutes (A+B, Amino, Root Accel, Drip Clean) , Advanced Nutes PH products, GH Floralicious. I am using these nutes on a DWC dosage schedule and diluting it some from there so I am getting about a 1/2 of the DWC amount suggested by H&G. The floralicious I am adding about only 1/4 of the dose of week one veg schedule.

RO water.

Two strains. (I did not pick these they were given to me, I have tried to research them to find what they will need.)

Super Skunk Auto by Vision (Mostly Indica)
Tangelo Rapido Automatic by Barney's (Mostly Indica)

On to what has been done so far:

The seeds were spouted in a seedling tray using what I believe is coco husk/shell that had been ground up liquefied and then whipped into a plug shape (not peat, I could see some of the stringy outer husk of the coco). The system I bought had a styro try the plugs sit in and a bottom tray which held water. The styro floated allowing only the bottom of the plugs to remain wet and wick to the top of the plug, I did add the water for the bottom tray directly through the plugs with seed inside. They broke through the top in two days and day three I added an air stone by day 5/6 they had so much root mass (fish bone tap roots) I had to put them into their final home. I have very much enjoyed sprouting with this system and I accredit them with how healthy my plants are looking right now, or maybe I just got lucky.

End of week one to start of week two from planting seed:

The seedlings were transplanted into the GH water farm with expanded clay medium on day 6. I gave them tap water (hadn't got the RO installed at this point) and added just a drop or two of GH micro to the entire system. Not per gallon but for the whole thing. I did not have good PH down at this point so their water was at about a 7. I left them in the system with just the basic water, topped up with tap if the levels went down on the snorkel. At this time I also lost my marker so now I have no idea which plant is which (sigh). But they seem to be doing equally as well, good solid green color, no burns, discoloration, leaf abnormalities that I notice. By the end of this week they had approximately two on the way to three nodes, I also noticed a time period where the growth slowed down a lot right after transplant, I'm expecting this is due to the plant sending out a lot of new roots.

End of week two start of week three from planting seed:

I did a complete water change, again using tap, but that was all I had. I used a 1/4 amount of the H&G DWC dosage. Used Advanced Nutes PH up to get it to a 5.8. Even with a quarter dose the PPM was about 800 and this was due to my tap water having 250+PPM outright, I ended up buying a gallon of distilled and diluting it further the next day. I raised the lights a little bit because one of the CFLs does get a tad to hot for my liking that close to a baby plant. Mid/end week I got the RO system so I did another complete water change. PH out of the RO came to 5.6 after nutes are added so no PH adjusting needed at the time. The RO took my tap from 250+PPM to 2PPM so I upped my H&G DWC dosage to half suggested to a 600PPM total. The plants are at about 4 nodes and multi side shoots coming off, smallish side shoots at that point.

This week: half way through with week three from planting seed:

Complete water change to 3/4 suggested week one veg H&G DWC dosage using RO water. Also added a 1/2 dose of white shark and even smaller amount of bud candy to give the little guys something to munch on while they establish themselves. Growth is looking amazing. I am having a problem that on one of them the nodes are coming in so close and tight together my side shoots are jamming in under the large fan leaves. I have tried to lightly maneuver the fan leave so they push down and around the side shoots but there just doesn't seem to be enough room. So now I have side shoots jammed against side shoots and fan leaves pushed down and around. I am trying to be sure they all get some exposure to the light. But hopefully tomorrow that will all be a thing of the past. My new light comes in. It is a twelve bank t5 60,000 lumens with all tubes switched on 5,000 lumens per tube. I am thinking I wont need that much until flower is really going. The tubes are in flower spectrum and I am expecting that shortly I will see sex start to show on these girls (if what I have been reading is common, autos show sex at about three weeks) and that will be the perfect time to introduce the flowering spectrum.

I will update more at the end of week three once new light is in. I am now researching if there is benefit to dark periods for auto flowers.

Until next time! Be well and happy!

This is what they look like right now. I am sorry the picture is upside down. I have tried the suggested fix and it didn't work so I don't know what to do to fix it. However on inspecting them this evening I believe I am starting to see a mag deficiency happening, more so on the right plant. Also the right hand plant is so packed in so dense with foliage it is a much different grow then the one of the left. The one on the left is more what I expected to see. I hope I can help the plant cope with the packed in structure.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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