Miracle Grow Perlite


Well-Known Member
Wasn't paying attention and picked up an 8 quart Miracle Grow Perlite.

Using Happy Frog

Bag says
N 0.07
P 0.07
K 0.07

One bean popped early and I put it in HF and 30% Miracle Grow Perlite and after a day the sprout is curled like a "n". Clawed...

So HF and Miracle Crud Perlite is to hot right?
Hi @Apoc,

Do you have a picture of the sprout please?

70% FF HF combined with 30% Miracle-Grow Perlite is a good medium to use - it should not be too hot.

Are you just adding a bit of water to the seedlings and then letting the soil dry out?

No nutes for the seedling yet, right?

It is very easy to overfeed a seedling - I just had two save two of mine because I accidentally over did it!
I went ahead and switched out the soil for Happy Frog and no added nutrients Perlite. Here's what the Miracle Grow Perlite/Happy Frog did to them.

Nothing but water given, no additional nutes on my seedlings for 3x weeks.

After replacing the Miracle Grow Perlite in one day the seedlings uncurled. It was definitely the Perlite causing the problem.

Maybe I mixed a little to much in or it was a hot bag but neutral Perlite and new Happy Frog fixed it.
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