More than a half of fan leaves yellow and gone with 2 and a half weeks until planned harvest


Well-Known Member
EDIT I accidentally posted not finished post, gimme a sec and I will add the rest

Hello there again

I know there are many similiar threads, and I looked into some of them... I read few articles, but seemingly none of what I did actually helped.
So firstly, let's list what I already did:

  • flushed until runoff water had suitable PPM and EC(although this one was still a little higher than I would like to) for a week 5 of flowering
  • during the last few waterings I gave either just water or reduced ammount of nutes

And some data:
  • 45th day into flowering(so currently 6th week, on it's way to 7th week on 10th of march
  • pH around 6 (so I guess I'll try feeding it just water with like 5pH water, to lower the pH in soil)
  • nutes Biobizz try-pack indoor

This strain is Royal Gorilla Femi. The manufacturer's time of flowering was technically 9 weeks, and she is 4 days untill week 7. That means the yellow leaves should appearing in 4 days, not be halfway through.
I'm watching trichomes daily, to observe any appearence of milky ones, but unfortuantelly I didn't really see any yet.

The problem is, I think I harvested too early my previous plant. Cause the trichomes looked kinda ready, the pistils were mostly brown, or at least half of them, and it was coming to the estimated time of harvest, BUT - the fan leaves were still green. Complete opposite of what I have now. And now, I technically still have 2 weeks.

Any ideas? Thanks for any help

Here's a pic
I added more info.

I grow in living organic soil and this happens every grow for me. So to me it’s normal. The plants no longer need the big fans or the nutrients they stored, or they used up all the nutrients in the fans.

Oh, I know. But why I am afraid is because of the fact that it has(or maybe not, maybe it won't need this much time) 2 and a half weeks to harvest(according to estimated flower time by manufacturer). So unless I am going to harvest in a week... I'm watching trichomes several times a day, to see if there are any major changes. Cause from what I read, it can change dramatically in the last 48 hours.

Havent read your other threads but I would guess you cut the nitrogen back while in flower? Well plants still need some or more than received here. That's just my "guess", Good luck with your finish!

I actually didn't really cut that much. I mean, untill I did a mentioned flush, it seemed to me that the soil was too "salty", so I flushed. But the thing is, the yellowing kept spreading, so if it's not nutes block, and after flush in one or two feedings I used little more nitrogen so it gets what it needs, but it still kept yellowing...
Then maybe this strain doesn't actually need 9 weeks. Maybe it's closer than I think. But I don't know so I asked

edit. I wonder if maybe it's the EC or pH is still little too high
I don’t defoliate as much as other folks because of my fans dying off. In fact I would say about 1/4 to 1/3 into flower is when I start seeing them start to fade on the bottom. Over the next few weeks it moves up the plant, taking out the other fans. The last two weeks of flower I have had very little fans on the plant. It was freaky.

I will go and find the photo and post it. I suspect the sugar leaves and medium sized fan leaves are able to maintain the plant. I don’t know for sure, as I am still weirded out by it.
I don’t defoliate as much as other folks because of my fans dying off. In fact I would say about 1/4 to 1/3 into flower is when I start seeing them start to fade on the bottom. Over the next few weeks it moves up the plant, taking out the other fans. The last two weeks of flower I have had very little fans on the plant. It was freaky.

I will go and find the photo and post it. I suspect the sugar leaves and medium sized fan leaves are able to maintain the plant. I don’t know for sure, as I am still weirded out by it.

Ohhh, alright that actually comforted me. So I guess there is nothing to worry about. Well I guess it depends on the size with this strain. Cause most of the journals I saw had many more weeks into flower than I plan to.
I'd aim for 6.8 pH with soil. Your regular tap water should buff it up a bit. Bio-grow is organic so I'd go ahead and add a little in your next feed. Have you got a journal?

No no, not this time. I had journal with my first grow, to learn everything I can during it, but with the last two(including this one) I didn't think I would have a problems that couldn't be solved by either reserach or just one thread here).
My tap water is around 6 too, so I know I have good situation :) But, you said I should aim for 6.8 pH with soil. So it should be higher during last weeks?
It was my second grow I think. Using fabric pots. Newish soil. I was underwatering I think and they didn’t get very big. It was only one of a few rookie mistakes I may have made though. I would read Emilyas thread on watering.

But yeah, this thing was naked of fan leaves for a few weeks before harvest. I should also add, I still don’t know if this is healthy or a good thing. For all I know it’s a deficiency lol

They would yellow like this and fall off. Bottom up.
I grow in living organic soil and this happens every grow for me. So to me it’s normal. The plants no longer need the big fans or the nutrients they stored, or they used up all the nutrients in the fans. this point I am trimming off those yellowing leaves to allow light to get to the shaded buds.
Plant is done when you say it's done....breeder timelines are meaningless. Get a loupe and watch the trichomes...only real way to know.


Ah, this changes a lot. I'm not gonna take it as a fact, but I will stil take it into consideration :D And that means, that march 24th is "planned" harvest day, but it can happen at any day from this point

It was my second grow I think. Using fabric pots. Newish soil. I was underwatering I think and they didn’t get very big. It was only one of a few rookie mistakes I may have made though. I would read Emilyas thread on watering.

But yeah, this thing was naked of fan leaves for a few weeks before harvest. I should also add, I still don’t know if this is healthy or a good thing. For all I know it’s a deficiency lol

They would yellow like this and fall off. Bottom up.

Yeah, I agree with others, that's a georgeous plant. Well, I still have the top fan leaves, so until they fall, I can just wait.

Sorry my bad, soil pH should be around 6.0-6.5. Could have sworn it was 6.6-6.8 when I was in soil lol.

@UrbanAchiever that is one pretty plant :eek:

Alright, thank you. Will check it after upcoming watering
Your plants look fantastic. They are dying. That’s normal. You got this. I wouldn’t worry too much about the popcorn. Just focus on the main buds.

Thank you, that's really great to hear it :) You're probably right. It's just I thought the dying process would start in a couple of days, not that I would be in the middle of it by now. There are several reasons like experience with my previous grow I had right before this one, and the fact that I worried that it should have like t and a half weeks more, at least. But I got reassured that the breeder's info can actually mean nothing(which I kinda knew, but I was expecting more time that breeder expected, not less, which is why I was confused)
So I made a pic of trichomes, and... Does this look like clear, or am I looking wrong? The weird thing is I mostly see either clear(or like clear-milky) or amber. The plant looks ready, but the trichomes not necessarily. In 2 days it's gonna be past 7th week of flowering.

I remember with my first grow that I had been more certain when my plant was ready, cause I clearly saw milky ones. But here? It's either clear or amber, and I see more amber ones.
And I thought after 2 grows, I would be seemingly better at knowing, but I guess it takes dozens of grows to be at least somewhat better at knowing this. And even then, every plant can and will surprise you


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