Morglie's Perpetual: New Space & New Strains

A couple of shots here for those interested.

Ultra dawgs

UD on the right is a male.
Thank you. What are you seeing that tells you that?
I'm calling it by structure, it's actually easier at this stage. Just keep an eye on this one if you're gonna pollinate.
I topped the Apollo 13 and put them in my new cloner I made. They are in flower for sexing. UD and tangerine are close to being ready for the same treatment.

This Crockett Dawg is a standout right now. Very squat. It's half the height of the other plants but with as many nodes. It's very stinky also. Similar to my early bubba hash. I'm liking the pictures my new phone are taking.

I also took a clone of the one growth tip on my purple Malawi that has 5 fingered leaves. I'm hoping to get a solid clone going again. The rest of the plant is growing very well, it's all 3 bladed leaves though. I also cloned my cannatonic and early bubba hash.

Friends are here. Later.
The quad Malawi just got her first cat last night. They are all quite happy. The temps and humidity have been staying consistent, without me having to mess with anything. It's nice.

The crowd of new plants is coming along nicely.

The tall one in back is one of the last to pop. It's the Sinai and evidently, I have the sativa pheno. It's already showing pistols. I'm not certain if it's autoflowering or just showing sex, but she's going in a 5 gallon bucket the next time she needs a drink. I'll give her a week or so to hook up in the new soil and then she's going into flower. I'll take a cutting when I throw her in. She's not been a happy plant and is now potentially autoflowering, but I want to save a cut, at least until I smoke her. She is a unique looking and smelling plant. I can't quite describe the smell of it. It stinks, but not like any cannabis I've ever smelled.

The purple mother is coming along. I put her clone into soil yesterday. Once I'm certain it's hooked into the soil, the mothers going into flower. I've been working on spreading her out to fill the tote, while keeping an even canopy.

That's all for the girls.

On another note I've been smoking the Afghani I grew outside. It tastes like anis. I've never liked black liquorice, but I have to say, it tastes great as cannabis. I ended up getting 5 pint jars of Afghani and another 5 of purple Malawi. Plenty to hold us over until the indoor crop starts flowing.

Nice update, garden looks solid
Did the bamboo ever work out?
Re: Morglie's Perpetual - New Space & New Strains In DBHBB

I'm curious about the purple Malawi - ACE appears to have it for sale again after they hadn't had it for awhile.
That's not the same thing. You're seeing purple Haze x their killer Malawi mother. The only way to get seeds for the purple pheno are in the breeders pack.

Speaking of Malawi, we've been smoking both the purple and green phenos of Malawi lately. I just got together with a friend as well, that grew a clone of each outside and we were swapping harvests.

The green pheno has this zesty citrus flavor. Kind of like lime. It hits fast and can really send you for a loop. It's possible to get jittery from it as well. People that don't like racey strains should avoid it. A couple of puffs help focus and energize me. I feel like it's the more intense buzz by a little bit and everyone else agrees.

The purple pheno on the other hand lasts longer and is a much more focused buzz. It can really launch you up there as well, but I feel completely in control. It has this lovely berry and fresh cut pine smell and taste. It's the all around winner with the crew.

On a related note, the purple pheno for my friend yielded 3.5 ounces, the green 20. They both started as barely rooted clones in mid June. They both were around 3 foot high when they were done. The purple really should have gone another 2 weeks. It would have bulked up given a couple more weeks of nice weather.
Garden looks nice! Keep that shit up
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