Murz's CherryPopping 1stTime BagSeed Grow!

legit. i'll shut the others off until i get the other seedlings poppin. I'll post some new pics up in the morning. i went out shoppin today and got some new goodies, kinda changed the set up a little bit, and a friend of mine is hookin me up with some free nutes he has leftover from his previous grows. things are lookin on the up and up for this little experiment!
yeah man you seem to be havin good luck so far with your grow. hope that luck continues through harvest :)
if only i could get them to pop as soon as it seems most people on here do. idk if i shocked my little seedling when i transplanted it yesterday or not. but she hasnt grow much. they seem to be going so slow...any suggestions?






I had them in a jiffy dome in little peat pots with a clear lid to keep the humidity in and there were 4 outta ten that sprouted!!! my original seed sprouted but when i transplanted her, she died, but now i got 4 more to mess around with. i transplanted them all last night and turned the lights back on and they seem to be doing amazing thus far. #1 seems to be doing the best out of all of them as she's the biggest, and they've all perked up over night too. they were lookin a little droopy when i found them sprouted, but i'm glad i got them back to life! game on!!!
yessir, thats what i figured. i honestly didnt even expect there to be anything when i checked on them last night. i honestly opened the closet cause i was gettin ready to throw everything away. lol glad i checked in time to save them! back in action bro and ready to grow fo sho! :allgood::amen::woohoo:
Excellent they will droop a lil at first once there first true leaves are out you will find it hard to kill them just don't over feed them and keep watering to a minimum a good way to test watering is to water your girls check the weight of the pot then whenshe starts to feel light add some more. Keep us updated bro :)
for sure! thanks for the tip, i'm going to go to the store either today or tomorrow and see what goodies i can get for the grow, i think i need a new temp/hum-ometer as i stepped on mine, i'm gonna go digital. i have plant 4 underneath my CFL's by the way and the other three under my 105w MAXLITE. just messin around finding the best results. I should have them on 24/0 right now correct?
Umm no they need a rest murz from using 2 clones from same mother one under 24 /0 an other 18/6 the one with the dark period grew healthier faster and stronger everyone needs rest including plants it's when photosynthesis happens. Alot of people do go 24 hour but the best of the growers will tell u 18/6. yeah digi ones are like 5 buks not expensive.

My opinion would be to bunch all your girls up close put the strongest light in the centre directly above the middle pot and scatter the lower wats around the centre one doesn't realy matter to much tho as there at such a young age.
Oh yeh....i started one last week...going to put that one bag seed on 12/12 tomorrow...see if its a m or f...started some 1st time cloning...always started with seeds in a jiffy pellet...gotta learn it all...going to get into hydro next year...i been checking u out...ur doing good for the 1st time..hang in there...:thumb:
Well its a little over 83 degrees outside today, and i figure we're running out of beautiful days like this here in nebraska so i figured i'd take the girls outside for a bit of fresh air and natural sun after i gave them a nice drink-a-wattaaa...number 1 still seems to be doing the best outta the 4, but i've heard that sometimes the runts turn out to be the best plants so we'll see. I'm doing a 18/6 light cycle...will be posting pics up here in a minute, stay tuned!
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