My First Grow - Jack Herer Auto Fem - 250W CFL

How long since you put JH#2 into the soil? Did you soak first?

I wouldn't top yet. Wait til it has 3 full sets of leaves, so 4 nodes. Then you can micro top if you want to. I waited until 5 nodes, and then topped down at the 3rd, so the new nodes that would become the mains were already well formed.

People will come. Just keep staying active on the site in journals, FAQ's and Contests and you will gain attention.

I did not soak as I read it's better to just plant fresh seeds. Is this a wrong assessment? The article I read said that they only advised soaking for older seeds. Today is day #7 of being direct sown into the soil.

I'm enjoying myself and learning a lot so I intend to keep active. I look forward to posting my daily updates!

The smell from Geulah is already starting to come about. When I open my box i'm hit with that fragrant peppery smell. <3 it.
I think most recommend soaking in pH water for 24 hours prior to planting so the seed can absorb a lot of moisture prior. But it can be done either way. Since you went direct into soil I would give it a bit longer. If at 10 days you don't see anything, try and unearth the top a little to see if you can tell if the seed has even cracked.

Sounds good brother. This is a very addicting site. Lol
JH Day #9 Update

Nice update this morning, some explosion in growth since my last update! Guelah is nearly as wide as the 2 gallon pot its in and Jack Herer #1 is the only JH i have going now.. Still no sprout from JH#2 and i picked around in the soil and couldn't even find the seed, so it either didn't germinate or I forgot to put one in lol.

Either way 2 plants is about right for my grow space so hopefully Guelah's Papyrus will be female because it's really starting to come along beautifully. The burning has definatley stopped at this point. It's not getting any worse and all new growth is beautiful and lush. Really enjoying it. She's up to 4 nodes now so I should probably be topping soon and taking a clone to sex.

Don't have an area setup yet to sex though.. I have a few T8's I use to start my vegetable seedlings that i'll probably use as soon as I put everything outside in the garden around mid may.

Guelah's Papyrus:

Jack Herer:

I'm trying to figure out my exhaust system for the top of my box.. my closet is currently roofless.. it's a strange closet that was built over the top of my stair way. I purchased some plywood and i'm gonna cut a roof for it, and I want to put an exhaust in it that won't be to noticeable or loud. Could really use some suggestions on fairly inexpensive setups. This will be drawing the heat out of my box as well so.

looking at purchasing this then rigging a carbon filter to it or something.

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No photos today because I'm getting ready to go to a BBQ, but I will post some in the morning. Today I topped Guelahs Papyrus. Really want to sex this thing so I don't waste anymore time on it.. just don't have a dark place to do 12/12 yet.
Jack Herer Day #11 Update:

So far so good! Did a little topping over the weekend of Guelah's Papyrus and as promised have some new photos for everyone. Comments on my topping job would be great, should have I have taken more? to much? just right? Tips appreciated. The JH has started its second set of leaves, and is coming right along. The burning to GP has completely stopped spreading and looks like it's fully able to handle the nutes in the supersoil at this point. I know now when is a good time to drop into the super soil so chalk it up to lessons learned.

Guelah Papyrus:


Size Shots:


Jack Herer:


Both under light in their home:

This space looks shorter than it is, it's really about 6'4" tall so plenty of room to grow the ladies big :) Thanks for reading :Namaste:
Morning all, just a little update of the girls. They're both growing like little weeds :) The growth on jack herer over the past 24hrs is pretty neat. The second set of leaves have gotten much larger and a third set appeared and are starting to show their faces. Everyone got a nice drink of water this morning until it ran from the bottom of the pots. Guelah always goes through a nice little growth spurt after waterings so i'm pretty excited to see what happens.

Other than watching, watering, and admiring, there isn't a lot going on. I like to keep the updates coming though as it helps me remain focused on them and not forget to do what needs to be done.

I did check on my supersoil I have cooking and it was loaded with webs.. looking and smelling great! I added a bit of water and gave it a turn yesterday. I have been reading that Auto's don't like supersoil? Is this true? Anyone have any experience with this. Some pointers much needed!

Your daily update photos:


Got a nice little update to share.. been working on my grow spaces today.. Added a roof to my now flowering chamber, and built myself a small veg/clone box. It has 3x 2 bulb 6500k 2' T8's in it. It's what I already had laying around and they should work just fine for veg/cloning. I'll now be taking a clone of Guelah to go ahead and sex it.. hopefully we'll see some pistols!

I'm a DIY kind of person, and I already had some flat white paint sitting around.. Just cut a piece of plywood left over from putting the roof on the box, and put it in the bottom of my closet. Painted everything with flat white paint, and this is it :) I'm sure everything will continue to improve over time and if I need to I can make it higher.. its about 2 1/2' tall or so.. I hope this will work well for a veg/clone box.

My next project will be an exhaust in the new roof of the flowering closet.


Will take care of that power chord soon as I get a new extension chord.
I like it brother! Looking really good! I like DIY projects as well, and I have noticed that my room as continued to evolve over the entire first grow. I even see veteran growers making tiny changes here and there, so it seems like there is always something to upgrade.
Hey everyone, time for an update. Figured I'd slow down on the daily updates as I was running out of things to say. I've been doing a bunch of reading and working around the grow spaces lately, and the plants are just chugging right along. I placed an order yesterday for some blueberry seeds. Always enjoyed the smoke of the old faithful strains. Guess I'm just sentimental like that.

Now that I have a veg space I'm hoping to find a good mother I can grow long term with love out of this blueberry! They were purchased from cannabiskings as i've had a really good experience in the past with them and their prices are hard to beat paying in canadian dollars with bitcoin, no fees, no conversion fees, etc. It's a steal!

Would love to find an original Jack Herer genetics strain to have a mother of as well since they're my favorites. Anyway onto the plant porn!

They're growing right along and Guelah's topping seems to have went well. The two new tops are showing themselves and look great. I'm looking for an opportunity to take a clone and sex it in my new veg chamber before i get stuff in there. Would be great if someone could tell me when and where i'll be able to do this. I read 5 nodes and I topped at 3(not counting the first set of leaves) so i guess I need to give it a couple weeks?

I've also decided that once I go through all the supersoil i've mixed up and have cooking i'm going to be switching to living soil grows. Just appeals to my senses more. So we have that to look forward to in the future!

Hello Bassclef. :blushsmile: Im here to check out your auto under the CFLs. Your big one is very pretty and I hope it turns out to be a girl. Your little one is cute as a button!
Jack Herer Day #18

Morning all, here with a little update and in need of some desperate help! My big plant guelah has given me a scare this morning, please calm my nerves. Can anyone tell me what this is or if i should worry? This is the only spot on the entire plant that is like this. I don't feed the plant anything but water as she's in super soil. I'm also very careful not to get anything on the leaves when watering.


Ok, on to the good stuff. Geulah is starting to sugar up and I believe it may be showing its sex, but am not sure. Jack Here is 18 days old today and Geulah the bag seed was started about 2 weeks before her(estimation) putting it about 5-6 weeks into veg. Its leaves are starting to sugar up and the tops where I topped it are really starting to grow when I noticed this when I checked in this morning.



Here is a little shot of how much it has grown since the last update! starting to pack on some bushyness and girth


Jack Herer is doing most excellent! I'm really happy with where she is on day 18! Look at her go! According to the info from the seedbank she has a 9 week flower for an auto so we'll see! Almost 3 weeks in I expect her to really start taking off soon.


One other thing, my RH has been pretty high in the mornings and even as it gets a bit more humid here as spring progresses its running around 30-60% with lights on depending on if i had watered recently and when I woke up this morning was near 70%. Should I be concerned? If so how can I control humidity a bit more.
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