Truck's 250W Skunk #1 Scrog 2014

Oh Yes please!!!
Goddamn guaranteed I have 2 lovely strong genuine female plants!
I'm so so so stoked!!!!!!!!
They are healthy, happy, full of pistils and starting to fill out nicely under the netting.
Tomorrow I'm gonna spend a bit of time with the tucking and route planning.
Normally when I tuck the branches, they are soft and squishy, now it's been under 12/12 for 6 days it's proper stiffening up! Gotta take it slow and careful.
As per usual. Pics to follow by Thursday.
Update time....
The plants have completed 7 weeks of vegetative growth and 2 weeks of flowering growth.
I was away again last week so I could not post pics or give any updates. Basically, I tried to tuck and cover as much of the net as possible, but being away for a few days allowed the plants to stretch up vertically and, by the time I got home, they had stiffened up properly, so no chance of any further tucking. I'm afraid that they might snap or get ruined somehow( just stoner paranoia)

So now the stems have stretched about 20cm above the netting. The bud sites are starting to develop nicely. There must be upwards of 60 bud sites forming. There are pistils everywhere but no frosting just yet. It's a bit of a mess in there. I'm gonna trim again next week.

I'm confident that I will get some uniform buds. It's all about even size buds for me.
I'm a little let down by the plant on the right ( the small one) I was hoping to get it as flat as possible under the net but it seems like the netting is not really keeping it flat, but rather just supporting the upwards growth of the skeleton.

Oh well, ho hum.
I'm also gonna try a little experiment. I'm going to feed the bigger plant with flower nutes plus top max stimulant and the smaller plant is just going to get flower nutes.
I've been reading reviews on the top max and it seems to be a bit of a waste of time. So. I'm gonna do a side by side comparison.
I realise that it could be a more controlled experiment if I were to use 2 similar clones, but hey. Let's just go with amateur hour for now.
Update time, it's been a while.
Plants have done 6 and a bit weeks under 12/12
Things are looking good, I have loads of buds, loads and loads. I'm quite amped for the final result.
The guide says to let it flower for 45-50 days, but I'm on day 44 today and the pistils are still white ( mostly ) and the trichs are still super young and clear, so I'm gonna ignore what the guide says and see how long it actually takes to ripen. I'm probably gonna pull it when about half the trichs are done.
Not sure why this has not gotten more views. What an awesome thread. We built our SCROG's in similar ways, yours is great. Very neat, and I can tell you took proper care to build something that will last.

I am blown away what you are getting with two 250watt lights in such a wide space. The HPS in veg seems to have helped them stretch out and fill the SCROG. Mine are staying short, fat and bushy, making it difficult to get decent coverage.

I also had a question about the ONA. How did you fit it inside the ducting and what is it sitting in? I need to do something similar.

Not sure why this has not gotten more views. What an awesome thread. We built our SCROG's in similar ways, yours is great. Very neat, and I can tell you took proper care to build something that will last. I am blown away what you are getting with two 250watt lights in such a wide space. The HPS in veg seems to have helped them stretch out and fill the SCROG. Mine are staying short, fat and bushy, making it difficult to get decent coverage. subbed!

Nice one dude, welcome along, I'll be sure to check out your grow.
Ya it's quiet here, I dunno why, maybe because skunk #1 is such an easy strain, maybe it's because I'm quiet all around elsewhere. But I'm glad you appreciate it man, ya it took some time and effort but it seems to have paid off nice. I vegged for just over 7 weeks under the lamps, actually waiting for the little one to reach the sides of the frame. My next grow will be blue cheese. But I dunno how many I'm gonna do. I might change a few things here and there next time.
Goodness that looks great Truck! I'm scrogging my second grow now and when I pull my two plants in a week I'm scroggin that strain in the same tent. There are a lot of buds there, should be an awesome yield.

I hope so dude.
Not sure why this has not gotten more views. What an awesome thread. We built our SCROG's in similar ways, yours is great. Very neat, and I can tell you took proper care to build something that will last. I am blown away what you are getting with two 250watt lights in such a wide space. The HPS in veg seems to have helped them stretch out and fill the SCROG. Mine are staying short, fat and bushy, making it difficult to get decent coverage. I also had a question about the ONA. How did you fit it inside the ducting and what is it sitting in? I need to do something similar. subbed!

Hey man, the ONA comes as a piece of solid block mould ONA gel inside a .5litre plastic tub.
Inside my floppy ducting exhaust pipe at the far end I have I 45cm long steel chimney pipe with a flap door in the side, the flap door covers a mounting cage that the ONA tub fits into. It's just an over designed mounting to hold a tub of ONA inside a chimney piece. I just remove the lid on the tub, stick it in the cage, and stick the whole chimney contraption inside the exhaust duct, and voila!!! Sweet linen smelling air...
I'll try stick up photos later...
But to be honest. I could simply place a tub of that stuff inside the exhaust duct and get the same result..
Agreed with you on loving a good scrog and your grow is an example of one! Awesome job man. Those colas are looking tastyyyy. You will probably harvest a week before me but we are pretty close to the same timeline! Ill be following along...
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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