My First Grow - Using 150 Watt HPS Only

150W HPS will be fine. Plus a 400W is very expensive and hard to control temperature. I would just use a few blue CFL for veg like you are doing but more and save your HPS for flower. It will use less electric and give them the correct spectrum for vegging.
here are some charts that have lumens versus distance, they do not take heat into account





So here is a little update,

I finally put my plants in the grow tent today and instead of buying some neons or some more cfl's I decided to go put them directly under the Hps light. I will lower the lamp a lil more tommorow.

The tip of the lower leaves on the left one are little yellow because the cfl lamp I used before was a little too close and when I woke up it was like that with all the other leaves pointing down...
But it got better !

Temperature steady 75.8




Oh and yeah... one is called Bernie now. Guess I have too much free time on my hands...

I guess cfl or metal haloid would have been the thing to do to have the best spectrum, but since I'm not sure if I can put a metal haloid light on my lamp and since I don't want to throw more money for the moment I'll keep it under the hps.

Electricity is included in my rent and I have seen pretty good results from growing under hps only from other people growing.

The reality is that the blue spectrum of the MH is better for the veg cycle and the red spectrum of the HPS is best for the flowering. Also, both can be used simultaneously throughout the entire process for the complete spectrum of light required.
Yeah they are pretty green except for the two bottom leaves of the left one.

Is it me, or my plants are growing slower than normal ? It's been 3 weeks from the beginning now....

Well imho it could be any number of things. What's your PH? what are you feeding if anything? Myself not having any experience with that strain is it a big growing strain or a smaller one? Could it possibly be root bound? what are your temps/humidity?

Is it possible your lighting isn't adequate afterall? what distance from your canopy to your lights? what is the ambient temp at your canopy level?

I wouldn't worry about the bottom leaves being yellow if the new growth is lush if you start seeing the new growth take a turn for the worst then that may suggest a lock out which could be the reason for your perceived stunting.

Bear in mind I'm new at all this too and this is just me talking from what I've been researching.


Well imho it could be any number of things. What's your PH? what are you feeding if anything? Myself not having any experience with that strain is it a big growing strain or a smaller one? Could it possibly be root bound? what are your temps/humidity?

Is it possible your lighting isn't adequate afterall? what distance from your canopy to your lights? what is the ambient temp at your canopy level?

I wouldn't worry about the bottom leaves being yellow if the new growth is lush if you start seeing the new growth take a turn for the worst then that may suggest a lock out which could be the reason for your perceived stunting.

Bear in mind I'm new at all this too and this is just me talking from what I've been researching.

Nah the lighting is fine, temperarure is steady around 75.5 and 76.5



Nah the lighting is fine.

Temperature :~75.5F - ~76.5F
Ph: 6.5
Canopy is now about a foot an a half over them.
I water them once every three days approximately or when the soil gets dry.
I'm not too worried about the two yellow leaves since I know it was because of a little heat stress. The light was too close from the big one. the other plant was a little bit further away and is still very green. I have learned from my mistake :smokin:
When you are ready to lower your light place your hand underneath the light bulb and move it to the point you can not feel any heat and move the light to that position above your canopy, raise the light as your plants grow.

Here are some Lumen versus distance chart, they do not take heat into account.





To this day it is now been a month my little girls came out of earth.
They are pretty healthy, I noticed that Bernie has some leaves curling a little bit but nothing major.
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