First Grow of Many


New Member
Ok everyone told me to go ahead and start the journal so I decided why not. Granted I want have seeds til probably Tuesday or Thursday I'll just fill it with pics of the things I will be using for the grow I'll upload the pics in a moment. Wish me luck! All advice and criticism is indeed welcome.
Seeds are as followed:
2 KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Seeds
1 Flash Sour Diesel Haze Autoflowering Seeds
1 Buddha Red Dwarf Autoflowering Seeds
1 Nirvana AK 48 Seeds
FREE: 1 X World of Seeds Northern Lights x Skunk FEMINISED SEED, 2 x Kerala x Skunk #1 REGULAR SEEDS

I plan on doing the 2 KC45 first then if it goes well I'll do the other 2 autos and finally I am going to start the non autos fingers crossed for all of this
I had talked about using coco or ordering a soil offline but at the moment my budget doesnt allow for it. My next grow later in the new year I will be using fox farms most likely. The beans I'm using this grow are the cheap KC45 seeds anyway but I will do my best to make sure they grow to be big healthy girls.
Hmm I am thinking about it have to ask the misus she doesn't like when I spend without asking and update on seeds they dispatched from a post office a hour away so should be here tommorow and also I think im going to do one in the mix and anothernin coco when I get it
Coco looks like a lite soil, but it's really ground up coconut husks. The beans love it because it's so light and airy. Most people use it in addition to soil with nutrients. The coco has no nutrient value whatsoever, so you need to compensate for that.

Subbed! :peace:
welcome to the 420

ive used the sta green---------take canabinerd's advice----please

you've got good seeds, why waste them on crappy soil??

if you do use the soil,cook the living shit out of it,,the bags I bought came pre-loaded with fungus gnats--lucky me
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