My First Grow


New Member
I started off with 2 then a third one came up. So here is the start.

Week 1

Week 2 having some problem with ph. Got it back and going after a week.
Week 3 with the all, the big on is on week 3 and the others is week 1 - 1/2.

Sorry about that. The big stem isnt purple just under the leaves. Light cycle is 18/6. My size of CFL's. 3 /30w and 3 /14w. Not particular strain just out of a bagseed just the buds I smoked a long time ago. Soil is Pro-mix with a little Peat Moss. For fertilzer I use is Dynamite plant food (Organic all-purpose) 1/2 strenth. Intake and Exhaust. Temp is about 76 all day long. Hum is around 65.
There's a small company on ebay putting out their own made active carbon filters and air scrubbers. Foothill Filters. Way less expensive then the ones you see in hydro shops. I am using one of 6" x 24" inch filters right now and I have some very very stinky plants. Works like a charm great quality. The charcoal is replaceable too and they will sell their customers refills at $3 a pound too I believe. So its really a one time investment. I paid $150 for mine shipped If i remember correctly.
How often do you have to change it. Depends on the bud you grow I guess.

They say 18 months, but it all depends on how many stink particles it traps over time.

I had an Odor sok that I paid 80 for and it only work for a couple of months. But the active carbon in that thing pales in comparison to the can style filter. the one I have uses 12 pounds of granulated active carbon. The odor sok was an active carbon fabric. Very light weight. Worked well just not for long.
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