Need Help, Advice Please

Hey's the grow going? You should look at starting a grow journal here. It's a great way to describe the trials and tribulations of your first grow.

As far as the temp unit goes, the rule of thumb is to keep the probe, or unit, at the canopy. Shading the unit, imho, does not matter since the plants are not shaded. It's measuring the actual temp. I would keep it how you have it.
Tag me once you get that journal going. I assure you that we'll have a strong group watching over you. Have an open mind and don't be quick to re-act to everything you hear. If a suggestion is made do the research yourself and come up with your own decisions based on the info you get and looked up..
The biggest thing we can do is let the plants be. Only adjust as the plants tell you. If all looks healthy why mess around.

Listen to the plants!
Hi MrSauga, thanks for sharing the information and pic. I just figured that it would be better and more accurate temp with it unshaded. Yes I do need to start a journal. I do greatly appreciate all the help, you have been awesome. I have included a pic, please let me know what you think. Hope you have an awesome day.


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Well I do see some issues with the droop. You want to get those leaves off the soil. Place a rock or something to keep them up off the dirt.
Can you turn the lights off for a sec and get some pics wihtout the purple?
Hence the reason to start a journal. We're going to be doing some troubleshooting to get those plants healthy again.

How much and how often are you watering?
What are you pH'ing the mix at?
Are you feeding yet?
Here's a couple of pics without the lights. What if I add a layer of perlite over the top of the soil, will that work. If not I can go pick up some rocks. Thanks


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I am ph'ing the water to 6.5

I have only gave them a dose of calmag so far, but about ready to start giving nutes. Any suggestions

Oh and watering every couple days and have misted the leaves once a day


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Ambient temperature is what's important. Period. Not the heat blasting from the lights. It's the same for outdoors. If you take temp in direct sunlight, you'll be wondering why it says 106 when the weather person says 95.
It's hard to measure distance in a pic but they appear really close. I have a lot of experience with led's and the droopiness could be light too close. Maybe try around 20-21 in.
FFOF you most likely won't need Calmag unless using RO water or bottled water. It has enough in it til flower then you need to start introducing it to your plants.
FFOF best runs around 6.3 for pH, but there's nothing wrong at 6.5. Plants have nice color right now and no signs of any defs. Nice job.
I'd still like to know how much water you are giving them and how often. :)
There was a little better discolouration and that's why I started using the CalMag. I have been using tap water but Phing to 6.5. Play are 3 weeks old, I put a picture of one I have to feed with. Any suggestions. Just been leery and that's why I haven't used any as of yet. I will be watering as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks everybody and most appreciated for the help
I'm sorry I have been able to get back with you all as abiet, none extremely busy dealing with family issues. I go through roughly 2 gallons of water for all 5 air pots. I water slowly multiple times until I get good runoff. I have been watering about every 2 days. The lights are about 18 inches above the canopy. I haven't used any nutrients except Cal mag And that was only once, I have just been scared to use news until I figure out what's going on.
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