Need help: plant is deficient and dying I think


420 Member
A Blue Dream I believe to be full Sativa
I've lost almost a 3rd of my foilage in 11 days
and the yellowing with dry brown spots is quickly climbing into my canopy

1 plant in 8 gal of Promix HP growing medium mixed with Gaia Green 4/4/4 for veg
Then top dressed with GG 2/8/4 when I went into flower. Then again 4 weeks later
I'm starting week 8 of flower
It's under 400 watts of HPS
I dont have air conditioning so have been averaging 30-34 celcius (86-93F)
Ave 54 humidity but both temp and humidity are dropping with the season
I believe my PH is around 6.8
I keep adjusting my water in to around 6 give or take a point but can't seem to get what comes out bottom lower than 6.6 on best day
Gets water about every 3 days . I monitor with meter
No pests that I can see and did put sticky traps in soil just in case and were clean after a week

This is a link to my welcome Thread with more pictures from earlier on of the plant and setup


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Prolly not enough water and your pH is too high. Lower the pH and run more water thru it. As the plant gets larger so does its water needs. You got a fan going on her?

At this stage you can water every day. No experience with those nutrients.

Fer sure you need to water more. Every day when they get big specially in soil-less medium.
I did not get the seeds from a bank but from a bud I purchased that was listed as a Blue Dream Sativa? So who knows
But Ya the small leaves are from the LST I did under 200watts of grow leds for 5 months (was an experiment) then under 400W MH for a month to adjust and then flipped to the HPS and 12/12
Looked good for about 5 weeks then the leaves started yellowing and dying

I will try more water for a few days and see what happens but my water meters show me the water table and I usually wait till the Moist area drops below half the Pot
IF it's a Blue Dream it's a Sativa hybrid. Cross Blueberry and Haze.
The leaves are small because the plant is sick, and has been sick for a while.

There could be a lot of things wrong here.
Temps are too high.
I too have no knowledge about those ferts. Why did you decide on them? Are they specifically for MJ?

Agree with Bo, you gotta give her more water. When you do water, do you water to 20% run off?

If it was me; I'd do some on-line research and settle on a nutrient line that is specifically intended for cannabis. Do searches here, there's LOTS of info here. Also, Google ...
I would recommend Fox Farm or General Hydroponics.

You might also consider using Coco as a medium instead of soil.

Do research, read, ask questions.
There is a LOT of help available here, and centuries of experience.

Also, read this recent post of mine as to how and when and why to water.
Feed and water the girls to make them fat and happy.
Here is a bit of research for you if you like: VPD
That IS great info Enron ... but, I fear it is way advanced for OP.
No offense OP, but I get the feeling you're learning to walk ... start at the beginning.
This thing we do can be very, very technical. Get your soil, feed/water down first. Keep the temps below 85F.

When the chit hits the fan (and it will) with bugs, or whatever ... come back here with pix's and we'll help.
But, mostly, just have fun.
Learning is fun.
The ferts are an organic slow release that was recommended by my local Grow Supplier Northern Lights Green Supply
No, I do not get 20%, maybe 5% runoff.
It's consistently taken a full (I think it's 2 Gal) water jug with a little runoff every 3 days and that's with the water meter just hitting dry at about the 2/3 depth.
I will up that.
The temp will continue to be a problem unless the weather cools. I can't buy an air conditioner now. COVID Unemployed and all...
I will also do some research on the nuits. I've looked at quite a few, always used Miricle Grow and wanted to get away from that, hence the store recommending Gaia Green... But they do use coco
Thanks for the water tut. pretty much what I do except she's not drinking and not sure what to do...
Thought I would add a couple more pics of other damage happening to the top of the canopy I can't figure out but maybe related?


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Thought I would add a couple more pics of other damage happening to the top of the canopy I can't figure out but maybe related?

Finish them up - the die is cast on this grow.
Do things different based on what advice you got here, and on what you've been reading.
You have been reading up, right?
Sometimes it's just gonna be what its gonna be.
Thought I would add a couple more pics of other damage happening to the top of the canopy I can't figure out but maybe related?
So after quite a bit of reading and finally looking at the leaves with a 60X's magnifying glass
The damage in these pictures and most likely the problem with the whole plant
Is Spider Mites...
No Webs but just crawling with them...
Into the buds and all over the stigmas...
Have removed the most infested including 4 bud stems and have sprayed with Safers Insecticidal soap.
Will keep up a regiment and hope for the best...
I use some stuff called Plant Therapy.
It is just natural oils, dish soap, and alcohol.
It can be used up to the day of harvest.
Completely organic - and it works if used properly.

I spray every Tuesday and Thursday.
It treats virtually everything from PM to thrips to mites to aphids ... and more.

I use it every week except week of transplant and week of harvest.
I even spray my clones with it.

My neighbors dog got fleas real bad ... I sprayed her every other day for six days; changed the bedding and sprayed that area too.
No fleas.
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