Need some help please


Active Member
Hey friends.

My plant is showing deficiences rapidly every day, and I'm wondering what I should do to correct the mistakes, or harvest. Would be great if you guys could identify some of these problems. As I'm a newbie. It is an autoflower in the 8th week of flowering and There are new pistils forming on the top bud sites which wernt there a week ago. Also a lot of the pistils all over the plant are yellowing rapidly (don't know what this means). It is showing more deficiences rapidly every day on the fan leaves. For instance, there are violet stems everywhere, There are rusty looking patches in between the veins of many leaves. Most of the leaves are also drooping. Just confusing because the medium is taking 3 or 4 days to dry out even though it is on a coco/perlite medium and the leaves are crispy and overly dried. have been feeding it with 1.5 ec with cal mag, and a two part flowering fertilizer every day. I was doing the exact same thing a week ago and the plant looked healthy in every way. Stupidly I had to put a heater in the grow tent for many days as my dehumidifier broke, so thinking it could be from heat stress, but the temp never rose abover 25 degrees Celsius. Also 3 days ago I removed the heater and the humidity is now controlled, but the plant is still getting worse. Have fed it with purely cal mag for its last feeding but again it is still getting worse. Not sure if this means the plant is mature so it is holding on to the water more or if it's something entirely different. The PH is at 6.0 for the runoff so thathat adds to the confusion for me. Would just love some help so I can understand for this and future grows. Thanks a lot guys and much love. Pictures below <3.


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Welcome. Looks like normal fade to me from reduction of N. Leaves yellow near the end of bloom as the plant is using the energy stored in those leaves to make flowers. Some strains are purple when done. I don't see any signs of plant stress other than a little leaf curl.
had some new pistals pop up in my 8th week just a couple days ago. I don't know but i assumed it was too much light or heat so i turn down my lights a bit for the rest of the time.

looking good tho, man. you're gonna have some real nice smoke there!

here's a pic. looks like what the vets call fox tailing, and i think they say it's from too much light.
it was only on 1 of the 2 strains tho.
Haha thanks for the information boys, have read the links you posted already. Really helpful, Id like your guys opinion on this purrole haze autoflower. Pics below <3


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Haha thanks for the information boys, have read the links you posted already. Really helpful, Id like your guys opinion on this purrole haze autoflower. Pics below <3

Looks great to me. must be almost chop time?
I may be wrong, but I was under the impression they will continue to throw out pistils as they progress through flower, even at week 8? Yellowing just means the older ones are maturing and ageing, but especially in the last few weeks of flower they pack on the weight and density, so I would assume the new pistils are the plant putting it into overdrive and fattening up! Anybody can jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, i love learning on this site! :) although it may even already be chopped down at this point, just saw the date of the last post! About that time, woohoo!
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