New Grow Op


New Member
Hey Hey Everyone!!! I just started a grow op on Nov.27. Today, I woke up and had the cutest little sprout Ive ever seen!!!! Im excited already!! hahaha. Im using Liquid Plant food comcentrate 7*7*7 for now, and sodium free bottled water and the best soil i could find,( walmart puts it away for winter...) I just wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions as to the best way to take care of my sproutlings as far as lighting and how much, and watering and how much. The sun and a full spectrum natural light lamp are all i have right now but its working apparently. I think maybe i need a much higher wattage, but im not too sure what to look 4. I look forward to information and feedback that can help!!! thank you!
Hello MrsLonely and welcome to 420

You will find lots of help here but they will we need more details.
I don't have a lot of information, it was kind of a last minute decision to start growing!! loll. I just picked some seeds out of my super good smoke, they have no name, but i have pictures. Its just super decent mid- I havent got any OG kush or anything like that. Im trying but Im just starting out,

You are in a good place!

My first try ever was from bag seed. I forgot I germinated the seeds...6 days later when I grabbed a box from the top of the fridge I saw the inflated zip-lock lol! Anyway...

The thing with soil for young ones is, you want starter soil without a lot of nutrients. The youngsters will get burnt (tips of leaves turn brown) from too much food at the seedling stage.

Do you have a Lowes close to you? Wal Mart has CFL's but I've noticed they don't have a Kelvin rating on them. You want 6500 kelvin for vegging. 2700k for bloom. 4 23 watt cfl are good for youngsters.

Here is a ton of info for ya!
How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

Good luck with everything!

You are in a good place!

My first try ever was from bag seed. I forgot I germinated the seeds...6 days later when I grabbed a box from the top of the fridge I saw the inflated zip-lock lol! Anyway...

The thing with soil for young ones is, you want starter soil without a lot of nutrients. The youngsters will get burnt (tips of leaves turn brown) from too much food at the seedling stage.

Do you have a Lowes close to you? Wal Mart has CFL's but I've noticed they don't have a Kelvin rating on them. You want 6500 kelvin for vegging. 2700k for bloom. 4 23 watt cfl are good for youngsters.

Here is a ton of info for ya!
How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

Good luck with everything!

Yeah they have the rating, they are 2700. I had a heck of a time finding it myself. Those are good bulbs. I use 2700 to veg and flower.

You are in a good place!

My first try ever was from bag seed. I forgot I germinated the seeds...6 days later when I grabbed a box from the top of the fridge I saw the inflated zip-lock lol! Anyway...

The thing with soil for young ones is, you want starter soil without a lot of nutrients. The youngsters will get burnt (tips of leaves turn brown) from too much food at the seedling stage.

Do you have a Lowes close to you? Wal Mart has CFL's but I've noticed they don't have a Kelvin rating on them. You want 6500 kelvin for vegging. 2700k for bloom. 4 23 watt cfl are good for youngsters.

Here is a ton of info for ya!
How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

Good luck with everything!

Thanks So much! I need all the info i can get!! 'preciate it!
I would also invest in a computer fan to help stiffen up the lil sprout.

Ps: WM sells mostly 2700s but you can find 4300s too. Lowes or Home Depot will have a better variety of CFL spectrum and wattages to choose from. Hope your baby gets off to a great start!
Hey Hey Everyone!!! I just started a grow op on Nov.27. Today, I woke up and had the cutest little sprout Ive ever seen!!!! Im excited already!! hahaha. Im using Liquid Plant food comcentrate 7*7*7 for now, and sodium free bottled water and the best soil i could find,( walmart puts it away for winter...) I just wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions as to the best way to take care of my sproutlings as far as lighting and how much, and watering and how much. The sun and a full spectrum natural light lamp are all i have right now but its working apparently. I think maybe i need a much higher wattage, but im not too sure what to look 4. I look forward to information and feedback that can help!!! thank you!

Welcome to the forum! As mentioned by others you can find good CFL options at HD or Lowes. Have you searched the 'net to see if there are any hydroponic stores in your area? This would be the best resource for supplies and questions if available. Be careful with soils bought at home centers as they tend to contain ferts that are not especially good for mj. Miracle gro is a good example of a product that you think would help but will likely do more damage than good. Some potting soils have fertilizers mixed in which is not necessarily a good thing. Best bet would be to find a nice dark soil that is rich with organic nutrients (search for Fox Farms Ocean Forest- it is widely used and considered to be the best )and staying away from adding nutes for the first month or until your plant indicates a deficiency. Keep in mind that young plants are very sensitive to nutrients so it is easy to overfertilize. Good luck!
Mrs. lonely... what a sad name!!! Dont be lonely you have plenty of friends here at 420 :thumb: Can you take a few pictures so we can see what you are working with? Its alot easier to give you advice if we can see what you have going on!
:slide:thanks for the info! sure i put a few morein my gallery thing, but i can take more, ill post em in a few. Im working with some pretty commercial GARBAGE right now, miracle gro everything! lol. At first i was having some issues with pests mold and what i think is root lock but i think i figured those problems out. TOO MUCH of everything, plant food, water just too much. the growth was stunted greatly but i think we are on the right track now. Im glad i have friend somewhere even if it is on the internet, on a site about growing pot.
Can do! I should have some photos in the gallery but i will put a few in this thread as well.

Its a bunch of commercial GARBAGE!!!! Before i knew better, i bought miracle gro EVERYTHING!



Hi Ms Lonely. We gotta work on that name... ;-)

Earlier today I started a thread "strains for insomnia" in which I listed the strains I currently have. I'm pretty pleased with what I have, but I wanted to tell you that two of my fav plants are from bagseed. I've been keeping these two going for over ten years... growth, yield, stone... They're awesome.

I've been growing under normal flourescents for decades. My first 1000 was purchased a couple of months ago and made a huge difference in harvest, but not so much strength of high/stone. Just my experience.

Honestly, just do what you can with what you have available, and read everything you can find about growing plants. Unless you must have 25% thc super uber bud, you can grow great quality with a minimum of investment. I've been doing it for years.
awesome!!! thats definitely a confidence boost, im just starting out, so im learning as i go along, trial and error. lol. the feedback and support makes me want to keep growing, plus every dealer i meet is douche, so i would rather just grow my own stuff for my personal. I appreciate all the comments, the name leaves something to be said about the world. Im surrounded by billions of other humans yet feel lonely all the same. my pot keeps me company and makes me happy.
The best bud I've ever smoked was my homegrown. Remember when " homegrown" was. an insult to the green? After reading the cannabibles I decided to go organic. Before this change, I used american agricultures Vita Grow...never had nute burn or any other problems with the product. And they don't charge shipping. Bagged potting soil to which I add about 1/3 volume perlite. I put enough perlite in the bottom of the pots to provide an air space, then fill with soil/perlie mixture. My plants set in trays, and I never allow them to dry out. This mix, IME, will provide a light mix allowing the plants to stay moist. I added the vita grow solution (label directions) directly to the trays/saucers, being careful to not allow the water to go above the level of straight perlite in the pot. This method has been absolutely foolproof for me for many, many years. Not that I'm outting myself as a fool!
And I've used Miracle Grow when broke... the granular stuff for gardens at 1/4 tsp per gallon, with a water flush every fifth feeding or so.
I try to keep things local in this economy, so for the switch to organic I'm using Filthy Rich potting soil out of Eugene OR, Roots Organics also from Eugene, and the Guano Co's Super Tea Mix out of Trinidad CA, my old stompin' grounds. My food gardens are always organic. I got started using the Vita Grow line when I was growing African Violets for show (shows that we never attended, cuz there was NO Freakin' Way I was going to put my babies next to someone else's plants!) and decided to try it on the mj.
Yeah, i still hear that about the homegrown. LMAO! I think that the plants are probably Best suited for outdoors, lets face it they are plants. Its just a matter of opinion but plants probably grow better outdoors, its more natural. Hence the importance of simulating that environment. Ive never gardened in my entire life but i consider myself somewhat of a virtuoso, if i work at it i know i can grow a respectable garden. I just didn't do enough research before i got started.
So i know that you already have your soil for this first grow but next time i recomend getting fox farm ocean forest and fox farm light warrior. The fox farm ocean forest has a bunch of different things in it bat guano, earthworm castings and a bunch of micro nutrie nts that are all extremely beneficial to your plants i mix it with light warrior on a one to one ratio because light warior is lighter and mixing them provides better aeration and drainage. light warrior also contains Mycorrhizal which is beneficial fungi thats great for your roots. For base nutrients i like botanicares pure blend pro grow for veg and botanicares pure blend soil for flowering. Id start using the grow nutes about 3 weeks in because the soil already has enough nutes for the first few weeks. You can grow a plant from start to finsih with just those two nutes but i also like to use pirana, tarantula and vodoo juice from advanced nutes to add beniefial fungi and bacteria these also help your root system and help increase nutriet uptake. I then use b organic which suppolies alot of b vitamins that are great for the plants and also feed the organisms in the vodoo juice parana and tarantula. When flowering comse around i use bud candy over which provides carbs and sugars that make for great smell and taste. i also use bud ignitor which makes the plants start flowering faster it also increases bud sites which leads to much more buds which obviously gives you a bigger yield. I use big bud to make my buds bigger and then overdrive in the end to increase the buds growth in the crucial last few weeks. all of these products are made by advance nutrients. I know this may be alot of information to take in right now but nutrients are super important and will make your weed and plants healther better tasting better looking and better yielding!!! i hope all this info helps you.
Id also try to get some more efficient lighting your plants need lots of light generally the rule is 50 to 100 watts per plant and most would agree that metal halide is best for veg and hps is best for flowering. you can buy ballasts that allow you to use both kinds of bulbs. anyway good luck if you have any questions be sure to ask!
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