New kid on the block

First time grower... Man, am I having a great time... I have learned so much and hope to learn more from y'all...
Welcome to the greatest knowledge base of growers from around the world. Enjoy :420:
Welcome to 420 Netspy!

We're thrilled you've joined us. I couldn't explain to you enough how much information is on this site. Anything from growing plants to training plants to what kind of soil you put them in. It's all here!

If you have any questions. Don't hesitate to ask. Man Dew is a valued member here and I know he can help you with whatever you need.

With love,
First time grower...and my first post.

I have 11 plants that will soon be 10 weeks old. They are all in flowering stage. I have them in pots on an outside south- facing sheltered balcony.

I will be leaving town for 4 days, and am not sure if I should take them inside or put them on the balcony at the opposite side of the house where they will be better concealed. Problem is...its fairly windy back there most of the time.

They have been outside since they sprouted. Is it likely to mess with the flowering cycle if I take them inside where there is much less light?

No I don't think it's going to matter. If they've been outside the whole time just make sure they are in the house somewhere they can get the same light (schedule). In a window or something. But they'll be fine. Just make sure they have lots of water before you go.
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