

New Member
Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to growing... basically I haven't got a clue what I'm doing!
Here are some pics of plants I'm trying to grow from bag seed.. No idea what type etc.
I've been watering every few days around the base of the stalks.
The light is a 130 watt full spectrum UFO.
The soil is 'all purpose' Miracle Grow and I've fed them once so far with a Miracle Grow 'all purpose feed' (24-8-16)
The grow space is really small a couple of feet square (but with some 4 feet of hight to work with) ...

A few of things I've noticed which may or may not be important:
White spots on some leaves (no bugs though)
The leaves on a couple are curling...
The stalks are fatter at the top than the bottom (where they are quite thin)

These plants have been growing for about one week on sunny window sill and a week and a half in the grow space with 18 hours light a day.

Any help? (please go easy on me, as I say I haven't a clue!):yummy:


First off, welcome to 420!

Here are some threads that will help you become a better grower:
How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know!
Plant Abuse Chart
How to Ask for Grow Support

I did a lot of reading on growing before I started and still had questions when all was said an done. So there are no dumb questions, but you get a lot more responses when you've shown you've done your own homework before asking others to do the work for you. Plus you will retain the information better by doing that.

Are those white spots on the leaf? it looks like some particulate, like dust or something? How often are you watering and are you using tap or R/O water?

The down-turned/curled leaves may be from over-watering. Also they look a bit stretched out. Without knowing the strain it's hard to say if that is indicative of the genetics. I would lower that light a bit closer to the canopy so they aren't reaching too much. You want to keep the nodes stacked a little tighter initially on them, let them do their stretching in 12/12.

Good luck on the grow.
thanks for the replies and welcome...
Thank you for your time SteveHman and the links... my homework has got me thus far, but I consider this my homework too as I learn best by tuition...
There's so much conflicting things said even on this site, i find it hard..

the water is tap water and I'm watering maybe once every 2-3 days
I'm not sure what the ph of the water would be I'm going to try and find out.

Are you filtering the chlorine out of the tap water or aerating it first? If you don't have a filter a air stone and air pump will get rid of it pretty quick.

I've heard mixed reviews on MG products. I am a water (hydro) and hempy grower, so I avoid dirt.

You are right, you will find a bunch of conflicting information on the site. That is why I always research answers before I give them. I have Jorge Cervantes' Grower's Bible on my desk at all times and will also research other sites for answers. I don't mind helping if someone has already done their own work but still needs help. Also, it adds to my own knowledge base.

When you water, the plants should be almost bone dry in soil. Get an idea of what they weigh when dry and wet. Then water them when they're about dry again. You can also stick a finger a few inches into the soil, if it still feels cool and moist wait another day before you water.

Are you getting any run-off when you water? It will tell you a lot about the soil as well.

If you don't have pH meter it is a handy piece of gear.
Hey SteveHman!

Thanks again for this advice!

I'm not filtering my water (I read somewhere that tap water should be ok including chlorine) but if you think it's wise I'll deffo look into it (funds permitting)

I've made sure the soil is dry before watering (as you say) which I realised was the general (using the finger-inches method)

I'm still a little unsure of the amount of water when it is dry though (as in little and often or a lot less frequently... any thoughts?

I'm not giving them enough water for it to come out the bottom though.. should it?

I've raised the plants up a bit so the canopy is nearer the light and over night I can see bigger leaf growth so thanks for that.:thumb:
If you let your tap water just sit out for a few hours the chlorine levels will go down, don't need to invest in a filter if you don't have the funds. Also a simple aquarium air pump will get rid of it fast as well.

I'm not a soils grower, I would ask Jozo-sha about the watering question. I do hempy and hydro. From what I've read you should be getting some run-off with each watering, not a ton but about 10%. Also, I've seen the WWWF method (water, water, water, feed). So you are only feeding every 4th watering. I would keep an eye on them and see what they need, listen to the girls, they'll let you know what they need.
If you are not growing organically then the chlorine is not going to affect your plants.Chlorine does the most damage to the micro life in organic soils. Your plants will not take up much chlorine, if any. If you are worried about chlorine then add an airstone and it will evaporate the chlorine in a matter of hours and the plants love the extra O2......
Hey Peskydor! Welcome to 420 Magazine.

When it comes to watering it doesn't have to be an exact amount. Start with using 1/3 the size of the pot the plants are growing in then adjust for your plants needs. Also just pour the water in to fill the surface area instead of slowly pouring it, you will avoid dryspots in the soil doing it this way.

From those pics the plants don't look all that bad.
You will need to transplant down the road so just make sure you bury the thin section of the main stem and that problem will be history.

Right now if I could only give you one bit of essential advice it would be to go get yourself a good ph meter (not a soil PH tester). Expect to pay $70-$200 for a good one. It is that important, Trust me.
I didn't realise I would have to re-pot again though (if thats what you mean by transplant)
as the pots are pretty big. I'm looking in to a ph tester...:thumb:
Hi anyone!
It's been a while and I have one plant that I'm trying to flower, which I think it's doing but very slowly...
I've grown and harvested an auto in the time it's taking this plant to flower and I'm not sure wether I should give up...
It's under a 135w ufo and a dual blue/red cfl which is 130 w of each I think.
As you can see fro pics I've got a hight issue now and have fried a couple of potential flowers.
I've been feeding with about 3 litres of water with bio bloom which gives me a ph of about 6.5
so far i've been watering every few days... the following pics show the leaves a bit wilted as I probably a day late for watering??
also still super cropping as I have about 5cm height left to move lamps up in tent.

I have a tube heater that keeps the tent from being cool and a fan at the top for ventilation... a desk fan at bottom to move the air around....

so far I think something must be wrong as the plant looks like shit (i think) some bits wither away completely...

Small faded spots on most leaves... maybe not good feeding in veg? or should I still be veg feeding? (has been miracle grow before i switched to Bio bloom when the lights changed)

So... loads of potential fuck ups for you guys to show me up on ; ) ???

hopefully someone can help?
First off, welcome to 420!

Here are some threads that will help you become a better grower:
How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know!
Plant Abuse Chart
How to Ask for Grow Support

I did a lot of reading on growing before I started and still had questions when all was said an done. So there are no dumb questions, but you get a lot more responses when you've shown you've done your own homework before asking others to do the work for you. Plus you will retain the information better by doing that.

Are those white spots on the leaf? it looks like some particulate, like dust or something? How often are you watering and are you using tap or R/O water?

The down-turned/curled leaves may be from over-watering. Also they look a bit stretched out. Without knowing the strain it's hard to say if that is indicative of the genetics. I would lower that light a bit closer to the canopy so they aren't reaching too much. You want to keep the nodes stacked a little tighter initially on them, let them do their stretching in 12/12.

Good luck on the grow.
Nailed it!
I'd transplant that thing. your not using the top couple inches of that pot, that would have gave the roots father to shoot down. Looks like that soil is pretty wet. maybe over watering?
Looks like some of the tops are getting a little too much heat as well. Raise that light a few inches. It doesn't look like the hood is vented so all of that heat is hitting those tops.

Just make sure you're taking good notes on your grow and your next will be a 100% better. Bigger pot, keep them bushy until the switch to 12/12 and either LST or SCROG if you have height issues. It's all a learning process.
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