Newbie needs Help Please!


New Member
Im another new one...........I was wondering if it would be ok to start my 4 plants outside, and then bring them inside with CFL lights, OR
could I grow them right at the window and get the outside light?
I am thinking of using 4 42 watt 6500K and 4 42 watt 2700 if I finish inside-
Does any of this even make sense?

I AM able to put them outside but dont really want to wait till November to harvest!! Thats why Im wondering if its possible to combine outside light then bring em inside when they get tall
Re: Newbie needs HELP PLEASE!!

Yes that should be no problem at all. Once you get them in that 12/12 flowering light cycle though you kinda have to stick with it, so when you bring them in from the outside and starting flowering inside, you'll be keeping them there. You can grow them in a window if they get plenty of light. Usually it's not the greatest growing situation but it depends on your window I suppose. If it's in full direct sunlight, as opposed to dim light coming in from only one side, they'll be happy, otherwise they may be tall and spindly. If the wrong person is looking through the window there may be other problems...
Re: Newbie needs HELP PLEASE!!

Went upstairs and my buddy couldnt even see me waving at him from the street! So I guess its ok-plenty of light there
I always put my seedlings on the windowsill if it's a particularly bright day. As long as it's direct sunlight, there's nothing a plant will respond to better because it's the full light spectrum. The only issue is temp and humidity, you can't really control the environmental variables.

Once they get too big though they stay in the tent.
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