Nitrogen Toxicity During Flower


420 Member
Im running an ebb and Flo system with 2 600 w LED’s for 3 plants. I’m a few weeks in to flower and noticed about two weeks ago that all the leaves were starting to curl down. Since noticing this I have drained my reservoir and flushed plants with just water. After doing this and seeing no response by my plants I used Florakleen and then started back at square one with nutrients. It has been about 3 days since I did this and still see no response to the leaves coming back. My ph level is exactly where it should be and the only nutrients I am using for flower is GH MaxiBloom. The only thing I have done differently than the past couple grows is use fox farm nutrients during the flowering stage. Could the two nutrients together cause this? Any help or suggest what to try next would be greatly appreciated. I have attached some pictures so you can see how bad they are curling.


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The only thing I have done differently than the past couple grows is use fox farm nutrients during the flowering stage. Could the two nutrients together cause this?
I think you answered your own question.

What's the NPK on the bottles you are using? Using maxibloom probably has a higher P & K value, then adding more FF bloom(if that's what you are doing) has added more P & K again. Too much of those and you start causing issues with Mg and Ca uptake amongst other things. I would use one or the other and go back to what worked for you in the past.
I should’ve proof read before posting: I used fox farm during veg not flower. Switched back to GH during flower and that is when problem occurred. Could the switch still have poor results even though I have flushed a few times?
Like Ed said some pics under natural light, or lights off with a flash, help a lot. At first glance it looks like a lot of clawing, so maybe N tox. You've always used the GH Maxi before? I see it's 5-15-14 so it doesn't make sense to be N tox. I take it from your OP your not feeding anything else correct? What is the pH at? I know you said it is good but good to you might not be good to me :)
Honestly it doesn't look like nitrogen claw. It looks more like a pH issue. Typically with nitro claw the majority of the leaf surface stays flat and only the ends curl downward. On yours the whole leaf is curling. Typically this shows up in an "over water" situation, which is usually caused by a root zone issue of some sort, pH, or oxygen levels being the usual culprits.
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