No idea what is wrong!


New Member
I did one grow which went great but I didn't really have any problems so now that I do, I have no idea what is wrong or what to do about it. My bottom leaves are turning brown and dying. The seed was planted on January 25th and my plant is still really small as seen in the pictures. On top of that, the bottom leaves are turning brown and dying. The brown is mostly on the ends bu some have it farther back on the leaves. I haven't really given it much fertilizer because it is so small so it has mostly been water. The few times I did give it food, it was half strength. I am growing in pro mix using a couple of cfl's for light right now and I am keeping the temperature around 23 degrees or so. The only other thing that isn't really visible from the pictures is that the perlite in the pro mix is turning green. Not the soil itself, just the white perlite that is in it.

Also, sorry the pics are upside idea what happened there...
Ok heres some things.

You did burn them.

You appear to be over watering (which is partly why they are so small)

Also dont sweat the green perlite, its probably algae from being so wet constantly.
maybe temp is low if you are talking about F. or maybe root rot from being to wet or both.
That's how we roll. times R a chagin.
you can always google a term like "cannabis deficiencies" or "cannabis deficiency chart"

There are multiple lists people have composed over the years. Thats how I originally learned to diagnose and truth be told I still refer to the charts occasionally.

Another thing that is great is googling any of these terms, they will certainly be helpful in improving anyones grow.

activated compost tea
ph soil char, or ph hydroponic chart
soil microbiology
or in youtube typing in "how to .........."

I have watched so many youtube videos on growing over the past year its insane. A few really cool ones I recommend would be "brown dirt warrior" "jeorge cervantez grow", plus just in searches you can find some really good random people talking about something specific, be it cloning, hydroponics, aquaponics, soil makeup, watering schedules, feeding, basically anything and everything.

Ok I am beginning to trail off, mmmmmm pretty color trails :)
So what happened with you plants?
I think maybe high PH, I had similar issues last grow and a little blood meal raked into the soil solved the problem. I could notice the difference within 6-8 hours. Make sure to properly apply the blood meal tho so you don't burn her up.

O I C did it take care of the issue? any new pics fer us to look at? That "blood meal" I am assuming is available at hydro shop or do i gotta pop a hole in some of my goats? J/k I have never used it so that's why the question?
Plant still isn't doing well but I don't have any new pis. I haven't ha a chance to try any blood meal but I did stop watering so heavily and then I flushed the soil to get rid of any nutes remaining. It is still on the verge of death however. New nodes keep coming but when they first start coming up, you can see a little brown on the tips of the leaves and as they continue to grow, the brown and death spread from the tips back . The plant is still virtually the same height as it was when I posted the original pics. It wouldn't be such a big deal but this is my only plant right now.
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