NO Lights


New Member
This AM I went into the Grow Room and there was not lights on at all. I last checked at 11PM when I locked up the Shop.

I checked all Breakers 15 amp each x 6 and none were thrown. I checked Box where there is 40amp Breaker and it was fine.

I then turned all breakers off and waited about 10 minutes and turned back on and still nothing. I used tester and all sockets are getting power. Can anyone help ASAP, as I have 86 plants growing for Compassion Club.

Right now I have 1000 watt on but no way can this go on for much longer.

Can it be the 40 Amp Breaker at fuse box?? :cheer:
This AM I went into the Grow Room and there was not lights on at all. I last checked at 11PM when I locked up the Shop.

I checked all Breakers 15 amp each x 6 and none were thrown. I checked Box where there is 40amp Breaker and it was fine.

I then turned all breakers off and waited about 10 minutes and turned back on and still nothing. I used tester and all sockets are getting power. Can anyone help ASAP, as I have 86 plants growing for Compassion Club.

Right now I have 1000 watt on but no way can this go on for much longer.

Can it be the 40 Amp Breaker at fuse box?? :cheer:

check fuse for the ballast or maybe the bulb burned out if u have power all the way through thats ur best bet...
This AM I went into the Grow Room and there was not lights on at all. I last checked at 11PM when I locked up the Shop.

I checked all Breakers 15 amp each x 6 and none were thrown. I checked Box where there is 40amp Breaker and it was fine.

I then turned all breakers off and waited about 10 minutes and turned back on and still nothing. I used tester and all sockets are getting power. Can anyone help ASAP, as I have 86 plants growing for Compassion Club.

Right now I have 1000 watt on but no way can this go on for much longer.

Can it be the 40 Amp Breaker at fuse box?? :cheer:

did he say he's growing 86 plants or did i misread...
o gosh.. thats a lot of bud:smokin:
Good Day in the Growing World.
I live in BC. Canada, and I currently hold a total license for 122 Plants, issued by the Federal Government, and this covers 3 Clients. There are clubs who have exceeded the 3 client limit, after a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision, whereby the court struck down the limits imposed upon us. Shit if I have 20 clients who qualify for the exemption, I should be allowed to grow for those 20 clients. Enough political crap.

Last night went to shop to lock up, and I noticed cob webs on one of the plants that are in soil, I should back up. I have separated the grow into soil and hydro. anyway noticed small bugs crawling on the plants. I had sprayed on May 8 with Safers End All 2 as I had bugs . I purchased a Microscope to get a good look at the little bastards. Spider Mites, Woo, are they freaky looking. Anyway sprayed again and looked this AM and nothing is moving all are dead. I hope.
I must be reading the wrong shit. I am watering at 30 minutes On and 5 1/2 hours Off at 4 x per day. I read some guys water consistently and other 10 min on 30 minutes off. Can someone set me straight.

Also if I clone today when can I put them into Flower
you have 86 plants and dont know about how long to clone?????

you REALLY need to read this website A LOT...

(there are tons of threads)
its a long answer man... go do some reserch, you can put them in flower now or in a year... its up to you, thats why you need to do some reading.

i'm just saying you seem like your started way too big, you should work up after you know what your doing... (that just my don't have to listen if you don't want, i don't wanna offend anyone) :peace:

heres a link that might help How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!
The reason I asked was because I just had problems with mites, and the hydro thing. And was wondering if I should clone right now or wait a week or so before cloning.
You are correct that I should have done way more research into growing, before I took on this project, but I am here now and need all the help I can get.

No offence taken, just frustrated.

Pay It Forward
did you check out that link?

i would wait till mites are gone before i clone, thats just me.
:slide:On May 6, I noticed cob web and next day bought magnifies glass, and could see small bugs, but wanted to make sure what they were cause I have fucked up so bad with this grow I did not want any more major problems, so I went and bought a Microscope, so I could really see what I was dealing with. Holly shit are them little buggers ugly Ha ah. So I sprayed with Safers End All 2 sprayed all plants and the next day had a real good look and they seemed to be all dead. I had scheduled another spray with End All 2 for the 22 of May, but noticed the mites had come back on May 19. I have now sprayed again on May 22, and on May 23 vacumed all leaves and plant and really cleaned Grow Room.

One of the problems I had with the spray the first time was that there are so many branches that seemed to be clumped together, and very hard to spray without having spray drip on leaves.( manf says do not spray so much as to let drip). So sprayed again and hope to kill all them this time. but everyone I talk to says once you get them you got them for good. I sure as hell hope not.
If this End All 2 does not work this time, any recommendations, pricy is fine, want the best.

That is one of the reason for the clone question, transfer from hydro to soil, mite problem, and light problem all within 3 days, that caused the dumb question. But now back on track I hope.

I took on way to much, thought I knew a little about Hydro growing, knew nothing when it came down to it, and still know very little.

Growing Pains, ha ha ah

Well now into first week of flower.

Soil, PH today 6.2
Water PH out of Tap is 4.5 ( very hard to work with and caused lots of problems and have lots of questions with regards to water PH.
Room Temp at 6: AM Today 87 degrees
Total plants Flowering 40
Total plants in Veg 40
Total in Clone 80 ( 3 days old)
All Plants are over 2 feet high.
Room Size is 12 x 22 x 8
2 450Watt
4 1000 Watt
Ventilation in and out very good.
Room is sound as for Darkness and such.
White and Black Poly covers all walls ceiling and the floor.
4 Circulation Fans
Using All Purpose Plant Food 20-20-20
12/12 Lighting

I have never toped these plants, and only taken 24 clones so far. Should I clone now that all the mites are gone, or wait a week and take clones from all the plants. There are 2 Compassion Clubs I know would welcome a small donation.

I know everyone says read, well a Man can only read so much and then it becomes information overload.

Any and all help is muchly appreciated and mare than welcome yes even criticism is welcome. I want this Grow to shine in our members eyes.

Pay It Forward

your about 15 degrees above the temp you want, some even go down to 68 if they want more purples leaves.

you need a plant food with different numbers... something with less nitrogen, more phosporus and about right on the potassium, and make sure you always introduce slow.
Re: Food

Thank for the in put

I am growing in Sun Gro Sunshine # 7 Mix, added Sawdust, Manure, Peat Moss.

I have the following Foods and or supplements:

All Purpose Plant Production 20-20-20
General Hydroponics Flora Gro 2-1-6
Pacifica Fish Food 5-1-1
Bud Blood
Dr. K, 0-0-62
Dr. Hornby Big Bud

Any of these work well.??????
I only have used the all purpose plant food 20-20-20

I have ph out of tap at 400 to 500, which is crazy. Even if I used ph up or ph down it shoots the PPM level off the scale.

This payday I am going to invest in some kind of water treatment system. Again any help on made or model would be appreciated.

Made 80 Clones late night.

This time I am going to go 40 hydro and 40 soil.

The last couple days been working on new room just for clones and mothers.

The room is 8 x 14 x 10 high. I have installed all wiring and timers:thanks:
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