Not even vegging yet!


New Member
Hello All,
I figured this forum may get some more helpful tips as I am a noob. I've got 2 ladies growing for a couple of weeks and I'm already having issues; Short stunted growth brown spots starting on the edges and working their way onto the whole leaf, bottom leaves started to go first.

Here are the specs:
Strain - Indica/Sativa
# of Plants - 2
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - just popped
Bucket Size - 1.5 gallon covered with saran wrap.
Lights - (4) 42 Watt (150 watt output) CFL 6500k & (4) 24 Watt (70 watt output) CFL 2400k. 16,000 lumens Max.
Nutrients - Super Thrive, GHydro when it veges.
Medium - 75% MG Organic .5-.5-.5 25% perlite.
PH - 6.5
Room Square Footage - DR60 15.6" x 15.6" x 4 ft.
Pests - None Known
Small fan (just put in)

:thanks:in advance!

what is the source and PH of your water? hard, soft, well, tap, rain ect....
It's tap water, North East, I have pre-mixed lime powder into the soil to keep neutral ph levels. I have been using the ph test strips (cheapo) but I tested the tap v. distilled bottled water, and strip was the same color on both and matched the color chart for neutral. I thought this would be an accurate and easy way to test my tap's ph (and cheap).
Hello? Anyone? Anyway, I'm going with over watering, so I flushed with 3% H2O2 and now just misting the tops to keep up the humidity a little. Any help would be appreciated.
Looks like over watering to me. You use a 1 1/2 gallon container, while the top few inches may seem dry, the bottom half is still very moist. I lost a beautiful 18 inch lady in a 1 1/2 gallon pot by over watering unknowingly. The top 6 inches would be dry but after harvesting what I could from it I dumped the soil into my compost and the lower 6 - 8 inches were like mud. Tough lesson to learn.
Thanks deacnbleu,

that's what I'm going with, in an attempt to save them I flushed with 3% H2O2 a week 1/2 ago and letting them dry out. They have some new growth but I'm not holding my breath. Ya think I should start over? I have one more fem Warlock from Magnus.
New growth is a good sign I think. Let the soil dry out pretty good between watering. I say let it grow.
I was growing in a very deep container once, bottom soil never dried out much, I used an aquarium air pump & ran a hose in the side about 1/4 way up. Helped a lot.
Well I will be taking your advice and let them dry out, I'm just misting the top to keep the humidity up. I'm germin' the Warlock just in case. Thanks again deacnbleu. Will post more pics later.
I agree, let them dry out and see what happens. If nothing else you're confirming or dismissing a possible cause. MG organic is a pretty hot mix for seedlings IMO. I believe there are couple types of MG organic but if you're using the kind that feeds for a couple months, I'd bet that's the issue.
Thanks HempsterDufus and JJ Stone, I think I'm gonna try deacnbleu's suggestion with the aquarium air pump, should I use an airstone with it? Hmm.
I didn't use an airstone, but to Hempsters point, "MG organic is a pretty hot mix for seedlings IMO" over watering AND too many nutes at the same time make perfect sense. In addition to fewer waterings, avoid all nutes at this stage. Like JJ says about under watering being better than over watering, the same is true for under fertilizing vs. over fertilizing. Hemp is a weed, it will fight to stay alive.
The air pump may help with the symptoms, gotta cure the ailment too.
Well, I transplanted one of my girls into some local potting soil and extra perlite in a red plastic drinking cup, you know the ones you play beer pong with. Anyway, I did my best not to destroy the roots so I loosened the soil as deep as possible and I got about 7" deep before it snapped I soaked in 3% H2O2 for a few minutes and then transplanted in pre soaked water with H2O2 and Superthrive. and covered with dry soil (to try to get the roots to re-anchor (I don't know if that's a real term, just made it up, lol). I still have one in the original 1.5 gl pot and letting it dry out, while still misting the top, just in case I committed planticide. What do you guys think?
That's a lot of touching & chemical changes to a young plant. I hope it survives for you.
I am guilty too, the best thing I learned so far is to use patience as a gardening tool. In the short time that we have been on this thread there has not been able time to see if any one thing has helped.
Not to be critical at all dude, just trying to help. I wish someone would have told me a couple of months ago to stop checking my plants every couple hours, leave them be and to fix small problems in a small way.
Keep us posted, very interested in this.
Regards, deacn
By the way, I have been wanting to post pics here but I am still not allowed to post attachment, is there a certain amount of points you have to have or something?
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