Nutes question


New Member

I am currently using biobizz products for my grow specifically I have the following Bio grow, bio bloom, and top max. My question is what is Top max used for and how do I use it effectively?

I am currently using biobizz products for my grow specifically I have the following Bio grow, bio bloom, and top max. My question is what is Top max used for and how do I use it effectively?

"BioBizz TopMax

Bio Bizz TopMax fuels prolific blooming while enhancing the flavor of herbs and vegetables in your garden. TopMax is perfectly suited for soil but can be used in other growing media as well. Top Max has the threefold purpose of facilitating the uptake of nutrients within the plants, dramatically increasing the actual size and weight of floral clusters, and leaving a sweet smooth taste in the finished product. The extraordinary way Top Max assists in the flow of nutrients is made possible through the use of humic acids.

Humic acid is formed from soil and vegetable deposits that have formed over millions of years. The main source of Humic acid is drawn from a deposit called Leonardite which is the most highly concentrated organic material on the planet. Its source originates entirely from trees and vegetation which grew bloomed and died during the carboniferous period 300 million years ago. Over the ages the vegetation underwent compaction and heating where it slowly carbonized and became coal. This compaction squeezed out the organic acids and saps present in the vegetation and formed a pool on top of the lignite coal bed. This pool dried and aged and eventually formed the Leonardite shale.

Humic Acid as well as increasing nutrient uptake, assists in drought tolerance and seed germination. It increases the microbial activity in the soil promoting and stimulating root health and development. Humic Acid increases the availability of nutrients that are already present and will naturally aerate the substrate from the inside. It also assists in lowering the pH of the soil and flushes high salt residue out of the root zone. Floral growth and health is assisted by the use of fulvic acid which plays an integral role in natural plant life. It is reclaimed from certain exceptionally rich sources of humate deposits from deep within the earth.

Fulvic acid has an electrically charged nature that attracts to itself plant nutrients and minerals from both the microbiological soil base and applied organic fertilizers such as Bio-Bloom. Being a naturally charged particle working in combination with humic acid it penetrates the flower cell walls where it recharges and energizes old and dying cells, whilst stimulating new cell life. Though the ability to convert decaying plant matter into new life it also protects against mould and rot on the surface of the flower heads.

Fulvic acid is so powerful a conductor it is able to hold 60 or more trace elements and minerals in a single molecule, all of which are delivered directly to the flower. This ensures that when feeding plants liquid feeds such as Bio-Bloom and Bio-Grow , all the nutrients are made usable and readily available to the plants exactly where required. In the agricultural soils of the world available sources of fulvic acid have long been used up through thousands of years of farming. The absence of naturally occurring fulvates combined with the recent damaging of humus based soils through intensive chemical farming methods means that food crops as consumed by most of us are lacking in many nutrients and beneficial elements."

Although we do not recommend BioBizz products for a recirculating hydroponic system some customers find sucess using it in hydroponics. If you want to use BioBizz products with your hydroponics system it is best with a drain to waste system.

BioBizz TopMax is certified organic by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Apply at a rate of 10 to 40 mL per 10 liters of water."

That's a cut and paste from another site.

Here is a feeding schedule as well:

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