Nutrients Question.


New Member
Total noob here. When should i start watering with nutes? Plants are 3 days old. Should I mix with distilled water? Should i spray the plant or water the soil? Do I need to measure pH of mixed solution? What nutes should I use. Any tips will certainly help, thanks
As far as when depends on what type of soil you are using. I love distilled water! You do not want to spray your plant with nuted water. It will burn the leaves, so definitely water the soil. Yes, you have to measure the ph of the solution before you add it. I like Fox Farm nutes. Grow Big and Tiger Bloom are great. ;-) Let me know what type of soil you are using, and I can tell you when to start with nutes.

EDIT: Check this out - How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know
Awesome, thank you for the info! Soil that is being used is foxfarm ocean forest. I read something on the back that no fertilizers are needed for 30 days? Thanks again for the help.
If i were to use foxfarm stuff, like tiger bloom, would starting off with 1/4 str solution be the way to go? Then go 1/2 at a certain point then to full? Thanks again!
If you're still in veg, you will want to use Grow Big, and yes, start out with 1/4 strength. I would wait 3 - 4 weeks before you add any nutes. Fox Farm Soil is great! Here is the feeding schedule for Fox Farm nutes. Go a little lighter than what they say.
Kool, thanks a bunch! Now dumb question. Is 2 tsp per gallon considered full strength? And do i water every time with the mixed solution? Or every other day...? And what is flushing and when would i need to do that?:bongrip:
Yes, 2 tsp is considered to be full strength. 1 tsp would probably do ya good. I always water with a nute solution. Flushing would need to be done if you start having ph problems due to nute buildup or at the end of your grow. Do you have an adequate ph tester? This is of utmost importance. ;-)
ph meter is on my todo list tomorrow. Now when i test the ph of the solution and it is either too high or too low, I can adjust that with ph up or ph down? Correct? And the ph should be b/w 6.5 to 6.8 for soil and solution?
Ok got myself a ph meter for soil, rapitest, with moister meter. Looks like my soil, which is foxfarm ocean forest, reads a little bit above 7. My question now is how do i get my soil to about 6.3? Only watering w/ distilled water at this point. Thanks,
You really need a ph meter to check the ph of a solution and runoff. Your soil ph is just about neutral. This is good. It's the solution that will need to be made around 6.3 to 6.5 which you will have to add ph up to do.
A wealth of knowledge, thank you. Ill have the Milwaukee ph meter in a couple of days :) So Fox, if the solution is, lets say 7, and i want it at 6.3, I use ph up or down?

And no i did not calibrate it, it opened it right from the package, wiped with little green pad and stuck in soil. Though still in little plastic trays, soil is only a few inches deep. Maybe the probe thing needs to be in more soil to get a better reading.
Ph down. ;-) You don't have to adjust plain water. Just water with nutes in it. ;-) When you add nutes, you will have to use ph up, because it will lower your ph.
Hello, just received my ph pen. Quick question, once i use it do i have to keep the electrode wet with water? It says that on the back of the box but I just want to make sure. Thanks,
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