Obama Announces 420 Gathering on Facebook

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
If one thing ought to be undeniably clear by now, it's that the President just loves being lobbied for marijuana legalization. That's why he keeps hosting popularity contests for political issues on the internet, and inviting the decidedly predictable chorus of calls for ending the war on drugs. So, in order to ensure that his next such event is similarly well attended, the President is asking us to join him for a live 4/20 celebration on Facebook that you don't want to miss!

The purpose of the event is to discuss ideas to "help our economy grow," and you know exactly what that means. As usual, the President will be taking questions from the public, which you can email or post directly on this page. There's no voting this time (I can't imagine why), but the Facebook page is already heating up with discussion of drug policy reform, so let's get in there and show the strength of our movement yet again.

Obviously, the President wouldn't be holding this event on 4/20 if he didn't want to discuss marijuana policy with us. Right?

NewsHawk: Jim Behr: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: StoptheDrugWar.org
Author: Scott Morgan
Copyright: 2011 StoptheDrugWar.org
Contact: StoptheDrugWar.org
Website: Obama Announces 420 Gathering on Facebook | StoptheDrugWar.org
We can only hope that the president will get his head out of his four points of contact, and actually say something that takes guts, like, yes, we will federally legalize medical marijuana!
this might be good.......... we can only hope!
I will have to see this later since I plan on being in Washington DC on 4/20 for the march. After his last two I feel this is something to get excited about only to be disappointed. Since in the last one he didn't even get up to the teaser he use in the campain. He already acts like he doesn't see what Holder and DEA are doing in legally past MMJ states.
I'll bet any real change will come in his lame duck session. And is'nt that what big gov wants? Us to be too stoned to know/care what their doing.
I bet its another ploy/BS tactical play but I will check it out with very little hope. I still wish for the best but have little to NO faith in America any more.
I hope what you mean is in the U.S. government not the American people they disconnected from us back in the 70's and hid the cord.
There is something about the President of the United States reducing himself to using Facebook that makes me sick to my stomach.

This country is slowly sinking, but don't worry, Obama is busy Googling the answer. :peace:
I've been posting stuff on this page, linking some info and giving my input here and there. I get a little obsessive about it but what the heck, can't hurt. LOL Nice to see peoples comebacks and be able to express yourself, always feels good. Interesting to see some of the ideas and opinions. Lots of negativity from people too, kinda sad how they express themselves. Anyway, just suggesting that you put in your input however you see fit...

RooRman, your right, when you think about it it is kinda funny isn't it. LOL Oh well, it's a new sign of the times and I'm going to stay optimistic on this matter :)
Reality check...

If Obama wishes to discuss a serious matter of law, Facebook certainly does not qualify as the most official means to do so.

Unless he is truly interested in legalizing cannabis for all, and based on previous statements he has made, I do not feel as though he is, then holding the "gathering" on 4/20 equates to nothing more then a cruel joke.

Only par for the course I suppose. :peace:
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