Oh and nutes


Active Member
Hi guys and gals so bassicaly I’m a organic grower I’m using biobizz. I haven’t been phing my water as I’ve read that you don’t need to with organic and my baby is doing very well. I’ve recently bought biobizz ph up and down which I’ve also read you can use with biobizz I’m compleatly confuzzild.
I use biobizz all mix. My tap water is at 7.5ph and I drop this to 5.8-6.5 through out my grow. I did see on the bag it claims to hold a 6.2ph level. I checked my run off on the last grow before I dropped my ph and it was around 6.8. This caused me deficiencies, which were resolved once I started changing the ph of my tap water.

I will note I use Dutch pro nutrients, these aren’t organic. I change my ph after adding my nutrients to the tap water.
I use biobizz all mix. My tap water is at 7.5ph and I drop this to 5.8-6.5 through out my grow. I did see on the bag it claims to hold a 6.2ph level. I checked my run off on the last grow before I dropped my ph and it was around 6.8. This caused me deficiencies, which were resolved once I started changing the ph of my tap water.

I will note I use Dutch pro nutrients, these aren’t organic. I change my ph after adding my nutrients to the tap water.
I’m using compost soil. Will that have micro life? She’s reacting really to nutes but do you recommend still ph the water or shall I leave it
What exact brand of soil do you use?

Soil with compost will have nutrients in which the plants will love. This will however only last so long. I personally add bottled nutrients in at this point.

If you spend a lot of time creating and feeding this soil it will have a good micro life. @Autofacade spends some time doing that with soil. He’d know a lot more than me in regards to that. He likes playing with his worms :p
What exact brand of soil do you use?

Soil with compost will have nutrients in which the plants will love. This will however only last so long. I personally add bottled nutrients in at this point.

If you spend a lot of time creating and feeding this soil it will have a good micro life. @Autofacade spends some time doing that with soil. He’d know a lot more than me in regards to that. He likes playing with his worms :p
Aha it’s for sure compost it’s only got six weeks feed so I’ve started adding them now
Yo! @Joshyboyy. How we getting on! Here to help anyone out! And as @Kimber015 said. I do love my worms hahah!

So a couple questions why did you buy up and down if your girls doing great?
Biobizz is an organic feed out the bottle indeed but if you want a more cost affecting and in my opinion far superior product to base your grow on, then I'd highly recommend in the long run, ditch biobizz off (not completely they have a couple of products which are useful) and move to a No till soil. It's a little longer in set up a little more expensive but once your going it's so easy to maintain. No feed chart no bottles no ph just tons of microbial life. Anyway that aside.

Any soil weather it a cheap £5 bag at your local garden centre will have micro life but the soil quality will be shoddy and just not worth it. You can easily add micro life to any organic substrate, even DWC. As long as you DO NOT use tap water you will be fine. I use rain water and water from my koi pond, all my water is aerated constantly between watering.

If you want to boost your microbial life ( what organic grower doesnt) get yourself a compost tea brewing ;)
Yo! @Joshyboyy. How we getting on! Here to help anyone out! And as @Kimber015 said. I do love my worms hahah!

So a couple questions why did you buy up and down if your girls doing great?
Biobizz is an organic feed out the bottle indeed but if you want a more cost affecting and in my opinion far superior product to base your grow on, then I'd highly recommend in the long run, ditch biobizz off (not completely they have a couple of products which are useful) and move to a No till soil. It's a little longer in set up a little more expensive but once your going it's so easy to maintain. No feed chart no bottles no ph just tons of microbial life. Anyway that aside.

Any soil weather it a cheap £5 bag at your local garden centre will have micro life but the soil quality will be shoddy and just not worth it. You can easily add micro life to any organic substrate, even DWC. As long as you DO NOT use tap water you will be fine. I use rain water and water from my koi pond, all my water is aerated constantly between watering.

If you want to boost your microbial life ( what organic grower doesnt) get yourself a compost tea brewing ;)
Hey mate so I bought biobizz up and down as it dosent harm the micro life so it’s a safer way of letting your girls get the moast out of your nutes. I’m trying not to go mad with buying and keep it low. I was using tap water and they were fine. What is a compost tea? And this soil what’s it called I would much rather have that it’s seems no stress
Hmmm always in my opinion if it's not broken dont try fix it. If your soil is good quality and healthy it should indeed balance the ph on it's own. If your ph was off you would have started to see dificiences. Honesty I do not think of ph at all! Last time I checked I think my water was 8.1 and my soil speaks for itself.

Organic nutrients are not feeding your plant directly. They are digested and broken down by your micro life (bacteria and fungal) and then transfers to your plants roots. The plant has a symbiotic relationship with the micro life and almost tells them what it needs, when they deliver the required food to the plant the roots then release sugars that the micro life feed on. When dealing with organics it's all about the soil the plant is almost secondary/ byproduct.

If your like me and live in the uk tap water will mess any organic grow up it had chlorine and other harmful chemicals that kill off what you are trying to build. If you havent had any issues yet then your lucky I hate using tap water it does not agree with organics.

Compost teas are ways in which you can cultivate bacteria groups and fungal groups. By getting a net bag adding a couple handfuls of good soil putting it in a bucket of water with some air stones connected to an air pump,then throw in some "food"( molasses sugar) and what ever other goodies are good for that stage of the plants life. You create the perfect environment to cause the bacteria and fungi to reproduce like mad! In turn you are super charging your soil. You can get ready in a bag tea in the UK. They are the single most valuable tool in organic growing IMO.

Ecothrive are a company that is fairly new to the uk they have a tea in a bag called biosys and there soil is a just add water aparently. I use there soil as a base and add my own stuff to it. It's done me pretty good so far!
Hmmm always in my opinion if it's not broken dont try fix it. If your soil is good quality and healthy it should indeed balance the ph on it's own. If your ph was off you would have started to see dificiences. Honesty I do not think of ph at all! Last time I checked I think my water was 8.1 and my soil speaks for itself.

Organic nutrients are not feeding your plant directly. They are digested and broken down by your micro life (bacteria and fungal) and then transfers to your plants roots. The plant has a symbiotic relationship with the micro life and almost tells them what it needs, when they deliver the required food to the plant the roots then release sugars that the micro life feed on. When dealing with organics it's all about the soil the plant is almost secondary/ byproduct.

If your like me and live in the uk tap water will mess any organic grow up it had chlorine and other harmful chemicals that kill off what you are trying to build. If you havent had any issues yet then your lucky I hate using tap water it does not agree with organics.

Compost teas are ways in which you can cultivate bacteria groups and fungal groups. By getting a net bag adding a couple handfuls of good soil putting it in a bucket of water with some air stones connected to an air pump,then throw in some "food"( molasses sugar) and what ever other goodies are good for that stage of the plants life. You create the perfect environment to cause the bacteria and fungi to reproduce like mad! In turn you are super charging your soil. You can get ready in a bag tea in the UK. They are the single most valuable tool in organic growing IMO.

Ecothrive are a company that is fairly new to the uk they have a tea in a bag called biosys and there soil is a just add water aparently. I use there soil as a base and add my own stuff to it. It's done me pretty good so far!
Lovely reply thank you mate I’ll check it out we’re do you get your water from I don’t want to be ordering distilled water all the time. I hear people saying let the water evap to release the chlorine. And with the tea what do you do bru it like a cuppa and one more question befor your head explodes my plant is an auto AK it in week three now it’s about 5-6 inches with its sixth set now I’ve got it under a 600wat led and it’s quite small this is my forte grow so I’m a bit worried
No worries bro. It's a passion I love to talk about it and if it wasnt for half the people on this forum I wouldn't know or believe in half the stuff.

Hmmm so unless your lucky enough to live in the middle of a tropical rainforest or next to a natural spring your limited to a couple of options. Ideally gather rain water if you can the other preferred option would be to find yourself somewhere that supplies RO water but it's a bit more of a faff as you have to add back in the good elements and minerals to the water as Reverse Osmosis removes pretty much everything. Both of which are preferred. That being said not all is lost! You are correct in what you have ready by getting a bucket of water and bubbling it with an air pump for a minimum of 24hours you can reduce the nasty stuff in the water. I have tried this method myself and been able to use it for compost teas so it proves this method does work. The other option is a product from echothrive that claims to remove all nasty stuff from the water for a single plant grow it might be a more cost affective approach. Aerating any water is great to add oxygen into your water. I always have my water bubbling but if you think of all the pollutants that are in the atmosphere rain water isnt perfect either so it's good to bubble some of that off aswell. I use water from my koi pond which not only is aerated its filtered and the fish put nutrients into the water its lush stuff!

The other thing is PPM or EC with water, although not as important in soil than in DWC or when using synthetic nutrients, I still like to keep it as low as possible to make the most of each feeding. When I measured, tap water was at 380, RO water 160 and rainwater 89. So many variables it all depends on your grow and preferred approach.

With autos I've never been able to master them, I have 3 in my tent to use the last of my tent footprint up and they aren't doing too bad I've shown them hardly any attention or love Haha! Autos seem to be a right mixture out the never quite sure what your getting. Tbh without seeing a start to finnish knowing the ins and outs of your grow its very difficult to judge. I always write out a detailed journal now of exactly what I'm doing week by week day by day. So I know I'm doing the same each grow and change things to suit different strain characteristics. My first ever grow was a single mystic blue auto under a 300w mars hydro, wasnt bad but I had alot of issues and learnt half the stuff I'm preaching in that grow with tap water etc. I would love to help more but without knowing your grow I really wouldnt be able to say. It could be genetics or more a indica dominate auto.

Compost teas I will make a little tutorial tonight when I'm at my spot and make a post of what I add and how i make them. I'll let you know when it's up.
No worries bro. It's a passion I love to talk about it and if it wasnt for half the people on this forum I wouldn't know or believe in half the stuff.

Hmmm so unless your lucky enough to live in the middle of a tropical rainforest or next to a natural spring your limited to a couple of options. Ideally gather rain water if you can the other preferred option would be to find yourself somewhere that supplies RO water but it's a bit more of a faff as you have to add back in the good elements and minerals to the water as Reverse Osmosis removes pretty much everything. Both of which are preferred. That being said not all is lost! You are correct in what you have ready by getting a bucket of water and bubbling it with an air pump for a minimum of 24hours you can reduce the nasty stuff in the water. I have tried this method myself and been able to use it for compost teas so it proves this method does work. The other option is a product from echothrive that claims to remove all nasty stuff from the water for a single plant grow it might be a more cost affective approach. Aerating any water is great to add oxygen into your water. I always have my water bubbling but if you think of all the pollutants that are in the atmosphere rain water isnt perfect either so it's good to bubble some of that off aswell. I use water from my koi pond which not only is aerated its filtered and the fish put nutrients into the water its lush stuff!

The other thing is PPM or EC with water, although not as important in soil than in DWC or when using synthetic nutrients, I still like to keep it as low as possible to make the most of each feeding. When I measured, tap water was at 380, RO water 160 and rainwater 89. So many variables it all depends on your grow and preferred approach.

With autos I've never been able to master them, I have 3 in my tent to use the last of my tent footprint up and they aren't doing too bad I've shown them hardly any attention or love Haha! Autos seem to be a right mixture out the never quite sure what your getting. Tbh without seeing a start to finnish knowing the ins and outs of your grow its very difficult to judge. I always write out a detailed journal now of exactly what I'm doing week by week day by day. So I know I'm doing the same each grow and change things to suit different strain characteristics. My first ever grow was a single mystic blue auto under a 300w mars hydro, wasnt bad but I had alot of issues and learnt half the stuff I'm preaching in that grow with tap water etc. I would love to help more but without knowing your grow I really wouldnt be able to say. It could be genetics or more a indica dominate auto.

Compost teas I will make a little tutorial tonight when I'm at my spot and make a post of what I add and how i make them. I'll let you know when it's up.
Hey dude thanks for the advice again. I’m a little stressed about the water thing I don’t want to keep buying distilled water. My tap water reads 201 ppm I started of watering my baby on it and she was fine I changed to distilled and I’m worried to change back only thing is I’d have to let it sit for the chlorine to go. What do you think would my tap water be alright to use?
Hmmmm my thoughts are settled with tap water haha!

Get an air pump 17-20 quid for an air pump that will pump 500ltrs air an hour that will easily do 40ltrs of water in 24hours no problem. Tap safe wont ever be a problem and you have half the gear for compost teas. Win win fella. Other than that if your in the uk and wanna be safe get yourself neutralize by echothrive.....


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Hmmmm my thoughts are settled with tap water haha!

Get an air pump 17-20 quid for an air pump that will pump 500ltrs air an hour that will easily do 40ltrs of water in 24hours no problem. Tap safe wont ever be a problem and you have half the gear for compost teas. Win win fella. Other than that if your in the uk and wanna be safe get yourself neutralize by echothrive.....
My second question will be can my new seedling go
Hmmmm my thoughts are settled with tap water haha!

Get an air pump 17-20 quid for an air pump that will pump 500ltrs air an hour that will easily do 40ltrs of water in 24hours no problem. Tap safe wont ever be a problem and you have half the gear for compost teas. Win win fella. Other than that if your in the uk and wanna be safe get yourself neutralize by echothrive.....
sow hat your saying is tap water is good. I don’t want to go for the tea thing as much as it sounds beneficial I’ll go for the ecothrive sounds easier and less complicated is magnesium and what ever eles is in tap water good for the plant
Yh there are goodies in any water. That's why RO water isnt the best because it removes everything. Water has calcium and magnesium two of the most important minerals in any grow. Calcium and magnesium is essential for nutrient uptake and transportation of nutrients around the plant. Alot of cannabis strains have a high demand of cal/mag and deficiencies can often be caused because of the lack of cal/mag.

I dunno if I'm making complete sense. You have been using tap water. Your micro life would have been hit because of this. There is still probably residual chems from tap water in your soil. You need to replenish your microbial life to make the most of your bottled nutrients, as at the moment there may not be adequate micro life to deal with it. Resulting is too much nutrients being left in the soil. I dont mean to scare but that's how I see it. Without a tea at least get some worm casts and a possibly some bat guano and sprinkle that ontop of your soil so when you water (chemical free) it will water some micro life back into your soil.

IMO teas aren't just beneficial they are crucial. My grow works around teas. Without them I dont know where my plants would be. Check my recent journal. And my list of amendments out. And also check out emilya she is the organic queen and taught me alot of what I know today.

Sorry if that's a bit blunt
Yh there are goodies in any water. That's why RO water isnt the best because it removes everything. Water has calcium and magnesium two of the most important minerals in any grow. Calcium and magnesium is essential for nutrient uptake and transportation of nutrients around the plant. Alot of cannabis strains have a high demand of cal/mag and deficiencies can often be caused because of the lack of cal/mag.

I dunno if I'm making complete sense. You have been using tap water. Your micro life would have been hit because of this. There is still probably residual chems from tap water in your soil. You need to replenish your microbial life to make the most of your bottled nutrients, as at the moment there may not be adequate micro life to deal with it. Resulting is too much nutrients being left in the soil. I dont mean to scare but that's how I see it. Without a tea at least get some worm casts and a possibly some bat guano and sprinkle that ontop of your soil so when you water (chemical free) it will water some micro life back into your soil.

IMO teas aren't just beneficial they are crucial. My grow works around teas. Without them I dont know where my plants would be. Check my recent journal. And my list of amendments out. And also check out emilya she is the organic queen and taught me alot of what I know today.

Sorry if that's a bit blunt
What stuff do you recommen?
I’m only on my 3rd grow dude. It’s just about going through journals similar to what you want to do. You should take a look through autofacades journals, most of the stuff he talks about is all in the journals, he shows step by step what he does. That way you don’t have to ask tons of questions when the answers are likely in his journal. But I know he’s always happy to answer all questions anyway.
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