Okay now what?


New Member
I just bought a microscope and its a bitch to see...i cut off one single pistil to examine...its hard to tell...they look pretty clear to me...but my question is...its about 2-3 weeks from harvest...

Should i cut the light back to 11.5 hrs on 12.5 hrs off...or leave it 12/12...or i thought about the 11.5 for a wk then go 11 on then 13 off...more darkness at this point...more swelling right?
Re: O kay...now what??

Ummm.... if you're looking for cloudy/amber signs, you need to look at the trichomes, not the pistils. The pistils will likely be mostly brown/red when you're ready for harvest and the trichs will be 80% cloudy, 20% amber... the trichs are mostly on the bud leaves - they're the fluffy looking stuff while up close they look like a stem with a ball at the top..that's where you're looking for the cloudy or amber signs. :smokin:
Re: O kay...now what??

I always stayed with 12/12 till the heads are about to cloud over(just getting milky looking) with indica's, or about 25% cloudy with sativa's. They say with indica's, the cloudier you let the heads get, the heavier the stone(couch lock), and with a sativa, the longer they go, the harsher they get, so its a delicate balance for sure. I usually have different plants at different stages of flower so I never really wanted to mess with the timing of the lights. As soon as I think I know when its done, I stick it in 24 hour darkness for three days while continuing to flush, using ice water once I get to the last 3 days. That works for me cause I have a veg room, a flower room, and a room for stressing at the end in darkness, which I also use for drying. If you are working in batches, I have heard that adjusting your light cycle does help with resin production, I have just never tried it.
Re: O kay.now what?

Stay 12/12. Most strains I've worked with tend to do most of the bulking up that last 3-4 weeks. I've heard of darkness helping increase reesin production not swelling/bulking. Can u provide the source of ur info so I read up on that? Keep doin what ur doin and don't forget to start flushing about 10 from harvest. U should be good if u know what ur doin or have some that does readily at ur disposal. Good luck to u brother.
Re: O kay.now what?

thx yall...yeah, basically due to a career opportinity I'm gonna try and speed up the process a bit...if nothing changes with one hour of light gone-I wont do anything else...i feel an hour will be good, but its just a small change which I debated anyway...plus, its pretty deep into the flowering stage now...a few of the pistils are ever so slightly turning brown.
yeah...there were two tiny "undergrowth" flowers that had 1/2 brown pistils so I took those small samples and let my woman "sample" them...she was surprised to get as high as she did...so, obviously, we cant wait (though we will...lol) til my plant is ready for the harvest
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