Opinions please

kirk angel525

New Member
alright, went and took my piss test today for a j o b and used quick fix. now, let me state for the record I have been using quick fix for over 5 years with no problems.

well, today I go in...have everything heated up right and ready too go. give my "sample", good right. problem, no temperature reading on the cup. so needless to say my box was checked no in the temp read section of the form.

freaked out, I asked the lady what is that all about, she said it could have been a "faulty" cup. she processed the sample like normal and that was that. she told me if anything, I would have to come back and re-submit.

I get home, all freaked the fuck out... so I call my HR rep at the job. tell her the story. she told me, that if anything I would have been given a chance to "go" again there and they would have gave me water and 2 hours to get it done. she also indicated that this has happen to others before. and told me if anything, I would most likely have to submit again, if need-be.

so, now I do understand the whole deal with the temp. and the reading on my bottle was good...just can't figure out the deal with the cup. ???

anyone else ever run into this situation? if so, what was the outcome?

am I panicking needlessly, or should I just chill...as the "sample" is goin' through the motions?

thenks in advance all!

Re: opinions please....

chill out dude, the piss is in the cup and out of your hands (so to speak).
If you were REALLY worried about securing the job, you could have just quit.
Re: opinions please....

Sounds like the cup had a bad temp gauge. Why didnt they try a new cup?
I would not worry. Just get some more QF and be ready if they want a retest.
I bet they let it go. Let us know the results.
Re: opinions please....

Sounds like the cup had a bad temp gauge. Why didnt they try a new cup?
I would not worry. Just get some more QF and be ready if they want a retest.
I bet they let it go. Let us know the results.
they didn't let it go, but I did take your advice and picked up some more QF.:goodjob:

ended up having to re-test, and everything went flawless!

now, just waiting to hear when I start.:surf:

thanks to all for their input!:thanks:

Re: opinions please....

Kinda surprised they didn't go low tech and just measure the temp w/ a freakin' thermometer!!! Gotta love it.
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