Organic Outdoor Gorilla Bomb? You Bet


Well-Known Member
Hi all, it has been quite a while. Health issues have plagued my life considerably over the past year.. I had to take a hiatus from pretty much everything. Thank God that I have made a full recovery from open heart surgery! Anyways, enough introduction and explaining, let's get this show started.

Strain: Bomb Seeds - Gorilla Bomb Fem
Substrate: Homemade vermicompost, no till living organic soil.
Nutrients: compost tea, homemade compost, guano.

This is my first dedicated outdoor grow, I planted this baby May 23rd as a birthday present to myself.

She started showing preflowers 2 weeks ago and has been growing like a rocket since.

I hope you all will join me on this journey of recovery and growing meds! With love - shorti


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Looking good shorti.

Good to back around. Yup age doesn't help us put to our advantage health wise for some sadly.

Positive vibes going forward.

Welcome back

I'm.just about to drop for outdoor seedsman order just arrived .

Looking good shorti.

Good to back around. Yup age doesn't help us put to our advantage health wise for some sadly.

Positive vibes going forward.

Welcome back

I'm.just about to drop for outdoor seedsman order just arrived .

Those sound like some tasty autos!
Happy to see that you're still active here, Joe! Last I remember you were speaking of taking a break for a while. I hope all is well with you.
Glad to hear you made it through heart surgery. That's always a blessing. :Namaste: I'd sure like to join the ride if ya don't mind. I'm always jealous of you guys that get to grow outdoors. The yields must be massive, or so I've heard. Like 3 to 5x as big as indoor plants, which is all I've done. Plus I've never even smoke Gorilla Bomb so I'm so really interested in that too. Hope all is well your world now that you're on your road to recovery. If ya get bored I have one active journal you could check out it's the last one in my signature perpetual playhouse of Bliss. I'm actually on a little break from cannabis right now bc it's seems to be causing me severe anxiety, or making my anxiety worse I guess. I'm looking into getting some CBD strains for my next grow I think to help counter this. This too shall pass.
Glad to hear you made it through heart surgery. That's always a blessing. :Namaste: I'd sure like to join the ride if ya don't mind. I'm always jealous of you guys that get to grow outdoors. The yields must be massive, or so I've heard. Like 3 to 5x as big as indoor plants, which is all I've done. Plus I've never even smoke Gorilla Bomb so I'm so really interested in that too. Hope all is well your world now that you're on your road to recovery. If ya get bored I have one active journal you could check out it's the last one in my signature perpetual playhouse of Bliss. I'm actually on a little break from cannabis right now bc it's seems to be causing me severe anxiety, or making my anxiety worse I guess. I'm looking into getting some CBD strains for my next grow I think to help counter this. This too shall pass.
Your kindness and good will is much appreciated, Friend. I have had several indoor grows that were impressive by my standards, I am honestly envious of those able to grow indoor (CURRENTLY, because I do intend to pick up where I left off asap hehe) however, this outdoor plant is so far looking like a decent yielder based on current structure, flower sites, etc. So I'm excited. I primarily went outdoor because I simply am not capable of caring for an indoor garden yet. Heart surgery itself wasn't as hard as the recovery but patience and support from my family has been crucial to me making it. Have had to change my lifestyle significantly which in and of itself was a huge PITA. I thank god that I now arriving at a place in my recovery where I can devote my time to positive hobbies again.
With that,
I'd love to check out your journal!

See you soon, JoeDaddy!
Anyways, here's an update on the babe. She's stacking nicely. I had intended to train further being that there is just about 13.5hr sunlight. However, she started showing preflowers so I'm just letting her go. Some nice potential colas I think :)

It gets about 98'F on a daily basis here, so I've put rocks around the bottom to hopefully keep the soil a bit cooler. The yellowing isn't climbing the plant and seems confined to the oldest fan leaves, so hopefully it isn't systemic.


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Hey shorti

I just learned that rocks actualy can get real hot and heard straw would Be a better alternative to keep soil line cooler I need to get some myself I've got 140f lol
Woof that sounds like some crazy heat you're working with Joe :eek: other than that, I hope you're having a good day <3

I'm hoping because I layered rock/soil/rock above my actual dug substrate that I'm able to keep root temps lower, but being that it's in the ground I have noooo idea.

Anyways got some night pics, about to go catch up around here and relax :)
Yeah it's been crazy busy only the strong survive right ? Glad to see you back up and running shorti. Good vibes for ya going forward:passitleft:
Here's some night photos everyone :)
Will officially call this week 1 flowering.
Had a pretty windy storm, not gonna manipulate the plant though. Made sure the one leaf wasn't raised because of spider/web etc. So all is well.


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