Overwatered autoflowers after very rainy week


Active Member
Hey community. On 18th of May I germinated 30 critical 2.0 plus auto from Dinafem with 100% success and full of happiness I went to my spot where I planted my autos and went to college for 11 days. 7 of 11 days was raining a lot in a region where my plants are, heavy rain with no interruptions.. That caused overwatering for my little plants and just 18 of 30 made it... They are very small as you can see in photo. I'm growing in local soil I found. I used the soil where nettles used to grow. I've heard that's a good soil for growing and its full of nutrients. Since dinafem says it has 70-80 days to reach harvest but with that start in early beginning i'm quite afraid that i wont even get 50 dried grams from a plant... One grower told me that I will have to wait additional 10 days to reach best harvest but doesn't autoflowers have that "time clock" in their genetics? Wouldn't be too late waiting 10-15 days more in my situation? Give me an advice how to help my plants to survive this start. I don't want to let them die I want to cook some cakes in August for friends!! :)
Hey @gokenzo! :ganjamon: Sorry to hear about the rain almost drowning all your girls.
You planted 30 Critical 2.0+ auto Dinafem seeds??? :jawdropper: Damn man that is an expensive seed drop, i am so sorry for your losses :rip: In the future with such an expensive seed drop, i'd recommend starting them indoors under a small light in a more controlled environment.
If you've got sun the next couple days i'd leave them and hope the soil dries out. If you've got more rain coming, you'll have to carefully remove these seedlings and replant them into small pots, as the pots will dry out much quicker than the soil bedding you have planted them in.
The soil looks fresh and nutritional, however it looks like it does not drain very well and that will be a big problem. Adding some coco coir, peat moss, hay, manure or even some stones to your soil mix will allow it to drain better. You could also build a raised bedding.
I hope this helps buddy, lets save those seedlings! :headbanger::yummy::ganjamon:
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