Personality changes and emotions


New Member
Heres a question.
Do you guys feel much more emotional when you are high? What I mean by that is whatever emotion you are feeling increased substantially when high?
Personally I have noticed that for myself, whatever I am feeling is magnified 100X and it really is just a head and body trip for me.
Could it be that weed changes your personality?
Cause when im high in my mind I feel like a completely different person than when im not high. I'm usually very cold individual, but when I get high I feel all these emotions ive never felt before. Every time I come down I just want to get high again so I can feel that overload of stimulation.
Re: Personality changes and emotions.

idk. possibly. over the years, it seems like my highs have changed. it used to be that it made everything ROCK. and other times it made it to where nothing mattered... someone could punch me in the face and i'd laugh it off and be like, "it's all cool, man!" nowadays, it's always some paranoia-filled hell. well, i wouldn't really say hell... it's always good. i guess what i'm tryin to get at is that weed is psychoactive. it brings out your subconcsious a little more. you can mess ur own high up, though... for instance, i'm stupid because i'll get high at times whn i just don't need to and i'll get to feeling guilty and freaked out because of the oncoming circumstances. when you're relaxed, not worried about anything in the near future and just good with where you are, your high will be LOADS better. but, for me anyway, guilt and worry are huge buzzkills. yeah, what happens to you is pretty normal. weed doesn't change ur personality though. it just brings out facets of it that you don't normally acknowledge and probably forgot were there. altered consciousness. gotta love it. i know i do. when done correctly!
Re: Personality changes and emotions.

and yeah, i think i relate almost exactly to what you're saying now that i think about it. you're not "cold..." you're just like me. like you're not always feeling something or motivated or interested... when not high, you're "just there." i know exactly what you mean. and when you're high, you feel so GOOD and just staring at a wall can make you happy, as long as you're high. you just feel GOOD. yes, i know exactly what you mean. that's why we smoke, man! haha!
Re: Personality changes and emotions.

I think it depends on your personality. I'm pretty neurotic person and am a self-diagnosed Avoidant Personality. When I smoke with my close friends, I'm usually pretty centered and clear-headed (as I can be, anyway). But when I smoke alone, I usually experience waves of guilt and anxiousness if I'm not actively doing something. I know the guilt is only due to the fact that weed is illegal, and I've never felt comfortable with breaking the law, but it's so damn unavoidable that it starts to ruin the experience.

And I've been thinking about the "changing personality" idea as well. Obviously, your personality is different when you're high, but are there any long-term alterations for heavy users? Every single day I would smoke anywhere between a quarter and a half. Before the summer, I knew I was introverted, but never had any issues with engaging people in conversation. Afterwards, I find it difficult to carry on conversations with people...I just don't have anything to say. I also find I'm depressed more often and I'm very self-conscious. Is it possible that the heavy use somehow "triggered" something in my brain? Is it the change from living at home to living at college? Is it a combination of several things? Is there any way I can fix it? Should I stop smoking? Should I seek help? It's maddening.

So yeah, I'm high right now, and I've basically just posted all my insecurities for strangers. Venting feels good, maybe I should vent more.
Re: Personality changes and emotions.

I think it depends on your personality. I'm pretty neurotic person and am a self-diagnosed Avoidant Personality. When I smoke with my close friends, I'm usually pretty centered and clear-headed (as I can be, anyway). But when I smoke alone, I usually experience waves of guilt and anxiousness if I'm not actively doing something. I know the guilt is only due to the fact that weed is illegal, and I've never felt comfortable with breaking the law, but it's so damn unavoidable that it starts to ruin the experience.

And I've been thinking about the "changing personality" idea as well. Obviously, your personality is different when you're high, but are there any long-term alterations for heavy users? Last summer, I graduated high school, and spent nearly every cent of my $1000 graduation money on weed. Every single day I would smoke anywhere between a quarter and a half. Before the summer, I knew I was introverted, but never had any issues with engaging people in conversation. Afterwards, I find it difficult to carry on conversations with people...I just don't have anything to say. I also find I'm depressed more often and I'm very self-conscious. Is it possible that the heavy use somehow "triggered" something in my brain? Is it the change from living at home to living at college? Is it a combination of several things? Is there any way I can fix it? Should I stop smoking? Should I seek help? It's maddening.

So yeah, I'm high right now, and I've basically just posted all my insecurities for strangers. Venting feels good, maybe I should vent more.

The same thing has happened to me. Ive been a heavy smoker for the past 3 years, a year of it I was literally never not high. I smoked a quarter a day.

Now the same exact thing you described has happened to me, except I never have been an introvert, ive always been a center of ATTN type of guy, and all through school I was a class clown.
Now Im just not as funny as I used to be and I never have anything to talk about with anyone.
Re: Personality changes and emotions.

I think it depends on your personality. I'm pretty neurotic person and am a self-diagnosed Avoidant Personality. When I smoke with my close friends, I'm usually pretty centered and clear-headed (as I can be, anyway). But when I smoke alone, I usually experience waves of guilt and anxiousness if I'm not actively doing something. I know the guilt is only due to the fact that weed is illegal, and I've never felt comfortable with breaking the law, but it's so damn unavoidable that it starts to ruin the experience.

And I've been thinking about the "changing personality" idea as well. Obviously, your personality is different when you're high, but are there any long-term alterations for heavy users? Every single day I would smoke anywhere between a quarter and a half. Before the summer, I knew I was introverted, but never had any issues with engaging people in conversation. Afterwards, I find it difficult to carry on conversations with people...I just don't have anything to say. I also find I'm depressed more often and I'm very self-conscious. Is it possible that the heavy use somehow "triggered" something in my brain? Is it the change from living at home to living at college? Is it a combination of several things? Is there any way I can fix it? Should I stop smoking? Should I seek help? It's maddening.

So yeah, I'm high right now, and I've basically just posted all my insecurities for strangers. Venting feels good, maybe I should vent more.

I'm very similar since I started smoking I have became very insecure about my self and I find it hard to initiate conversation, I'm a hyper guy when I'm not high *ADHD* and that is one of the main reasons why i smoke weed, to allow me to calm down and think. When I'm high I go quiet and don't move much or do anything I just sit there doing not much thinking about a lot of stuff so basically my highs are my own little reflection/thinking session and I enjoy it.
Weed sorta changes my personality a bit when I smoke, but usually in like a really good helps me with my bi-polar/schitzo-effective disorder, I mean it can really save me from myself when I feel jus 2 damn depressed. I feel good, & my nerves are like 100% better, I love the way it makes me feel
I suffer from a wide range of mental disorders from ADHD to bi-polar, also sleep disorders but since i been on weed i have been a total new person it's like its the cure to a fucked up life.
you are a lot calmer when we have bud when we waited all weekend for some just before we got it i swear you were going to kill jak haha
There was a period where I would imagine some novel new and excruciating way to die as I was trying to go to sleep each night. This went for nearly a year in my estimation. It was only when I got high that this happened. If the death was drowning, for instance, I would visualize and internalize all the sensations of dying by drowning under a specific set of circumstances. Every time it was different. Apparently my unconscious mind was adamant about a no-repeats rule. So I only did drowning once the whole time. I'm just using it as an example here.

This typically happened in that twilight between wakefulness and unconsciousness, when my 'guard' was dropped mentally and conscious thought drifted into dreams. I would imagine the lack of oxygen, the overwhelming urge to breath in, the increasing and crushing pressure and the fading of the light as I was slowly dragged downward to the certainty of doom. In the moment of death, I would shudder, realize it was a wayward thought and throw it off like a dirty blanket.

As a person who generally found nightmares thrilling as a child, I was able to recognize this as a "daymare" and therefore was not permanently emotionally effected. That isn't to say that it didn't get under my skin and evoke physical reactions however. The full-body shudder was the most common reaction. I'm a fairly empathetic person, so to have this occur on a regular basis was fairly difficult.

For a while I just told myself it was a nightmare thought, and mentally encouraged myself to contemplate more agreeable topics. Then there was a period where I just shrugged them off after a few seconds as an interesting snipped of nightmare. Then I stopped having them altogether. Now it seems I automatically re-route my mental train to a better destination. Life is good these days. I don't feel damaged by the experience - in fact I feel mentally strengthened by the whole thing, but there is no doubt that the episodes were triggered by getting high. And it was rather unpleasant. I was glad to overcome it.


I think that cannabis may make people relax enough that they find they are face-to-face with themselves. This can be enlightening for some, but it is frightening for others. It is not about what cannabis does to you. It is about what you do with it. It is our reaction to those intense personal insights that determine who we choose to be and how we choose to live.

I know that's a load of pop psychology, and I can't argue, because I have no formal training. But it is empirically true in my life and I suspect I am not alone.

Holy crap. The things I'll admit when I'm high. :rolleyes:

I have anger issues, very short tempered,and all too often quick to react with out thinking.Now when im blazed up im a completly diffrent person and i can tell.Im fixing to quit smoking and am little hesitant to what will happen.Done it since i was 15 at i started smoking everyday and i have only missed a total of a month since starting every day.So i think it increases your mood.
Thats part of the reason I dont have a girlfriend. I just dont have anything to talk about. I can take someone out on a date but it ends up being boring because I just simply dont know what to talk about.

It's weird, im a very social guy, I make a lot of social friends at work and everywhere I go. When Im high thats enlightened more. But for some reason anytime its 1 to 1 I no longer have anything to say or talk about.
i'm like that too. that's just how it is sometimes i guess... it's not ony about you when it comes to conversation though, the other person needs to say stuff, too.
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