Picked up bomb fire? (pictures)


New Member
So let me start I haven't smoked in 3 years I got some of this bud from a guy that said it was real fire?(dont know if that is good)
At first look and smell it looks nice but after I touch the bud it is kind of hard when I squeeze it.
Also the smell seems like it has some sort of bathroom cleaner sprayed on it.
So I smoked it the first day and at first when I exhaled it tasted kind of funny maybe chemical taste? I only did 4 hits. Then im like feeling nothing 10minutes later as I am driving home my heart starts to go 100mph and my vision goes slow. I got to my house and started playing video games but my whole body was twitching and the high finally came down after about 3 hours and the last 30minutes the high went down and it felt like a nice and relaxed high.
So the next day I try it and do about 3-4 hits and same thing happens 10 minutes later it hits me my heart racing I feel people around me know Im high my vision is slowed down twitching and last for about 3 hours.
In both experiences I could barely remember anything like when I was driving I thought I went right past the highway exit and was lost I started getting scared. the next day I could barely remember driving or even talking to my roommate when I got home.
Can anyone give some advice here are some pictures of the bud at different angles.
If it matters I thought it was good because the guy had the bud in a dispensary cup and it said mediterranean experience so he must have bought it at a medical shop.
I also forgot to add that my mouth and teeth would feel numb then when I would go to touch my face it felt kinda weird. I think that went away after like an hour though



Sorry to hear you are having such a bummer experience M8!
Sounds to me like you are having exaggerated paranoia... happens to lots of peeps... especially ones that aren't used to smoking! Also... sounds like you could do w/a few less hits till you get a bit of a tolerance to whatever herbs you are smoking at any given time.

Not sure about chems on the weed, I haven't smoked it so I won't comment on that... I will say that if in deed, the seller actually got it from a dispensary... chances are that there are 0 chems in the weed period! (there again though, I can't taste the weed in question)

My advice is to maybe try a different kind of herb and only take a toke... maybe even a half a toke the first time!
Or... wait for it......... just take a single toke of what you have. I bet the experience will be better for you... let's hope so!
Best of luck to you!
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