Pineapple Expess: dealing with thrips and stunting


420 Member
So over the last few weeks I've been battling thrips.. and I think I'm losing.. I'm running out of ideas so I thought I'd reach out here and see I'd anyone else may have an idea. And I have one plant that's stunted pretty good and I can figure out a way to get it to grow more any insight appreciated!






So over the last few weeks I've been battling thrips.. and I think I'm losing.. I'm running out of ideas so I thought I'd reach out here and see I'd anyone else may have an idea. And I have one plant that's stunted pretty good and I can figure out a way to get it to grow more any insight appreciated!






Good morning @The420Kid sorry about your garden my friend.
Are you 100% sure their thirps?
I find pyrethren oil or neem oil effective for thirps.
10 % in a spray bottle of water with a few drops of safer soap works well.
Some sticky traps are handy.
A good breeze helps a little too.

Stay safe.
Yea I am 100% sure its Thrips, I have had several ppl validate it and have all come to the same conclusion.
Ok because that leaf curl at the edges screams mites not thirps.
Have you seen actual thirps?
They are very visible.

Stay safe
SInce the plants are not in flower and don't look close to it, the pyrethrin will be fine, it breaks down in a couple days. You may have to spray more than once to break the life cycle. Sometimes pyrethrin can cause some leaf burn, so spray just before lights out, make sure to get under the leaves. The first two pics look like the plants are getting too much water and the next two, with the curled leaf edeges remind me of light stress (also water issues) or even too much N. Though in the last picture they all look pretty good. What kind of lights are you running? You have quite a bit of distance between nodes, I'd start some LST or you risk running out of room, vertically. Best of luck!
SInce the plants are not in flower and don't look close to it, the pyrethrin will be fine, it breaks down in a couple days. You may have to spray more than once to break the life cycle. Sometimes pyrethrin can cause some leaf burn, so spray just before lights out, make sure to get under the leaves. The first two pics look like the plants are getting too much water and the next two, with the curled leaf edeges remind me of light stress (also water issues) or even too much N. Though in the last picture they all look pretty good. What kind of lights are you running? You have quite a bit of distance between nodes, I'd start some LST or you risk running out of room, vertically. Best of luck!
Im running Sun Blaster NanoTech T5 Reflector and I usally water every 3 - 4 days and I try to do every second water with Nutrients such as Food and Calmag, and some root booster every now and then. and what do you mean by LST. Thanks
Im running Sun Blaster NanoTech T5 Reflector and I usally water every 3 - 4 days and I try to do every second water with Nutrients such as Food and Calmag, and some root booster every now and then. and what do you mean by LST. Thanks
Your light is a fluorescent t5, used for seedlings mostly.
That's why you ladies look like bamboo shoots my friend. :Namaste:
You need a decent led.
I recommend a @ViparSpectra .
Perfect for you.
Since they are thin and tall they will hit your light in flower.
LST = low stress training.
Bending and trying them over.
But I think topping ( cutting off the top of main stem) would be better for now.
Spray the bugs, get a decent light and cut the top off.
Happy growing friend.

Stay safe
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