Plant food

Uh ok those instructions are for how to mix nutes, I am talking about once you mix the nutes how much do you give your plant?
What size is your container? You want to water however much it takes to get 10-30% runoff. So if you water a gallon and you get a quart of runoff you are good. water slowly, scratch the top layer of soil up with your hands, pour water until small pools form, wait for them to soak in, repeat. make sure you are only using half strength nutes at most...

Wild guess here but...from what I can make out you've got an outdoor grow thing going on....right?

If so, in the ground, or in a pot, planter, or, perhaps dangling from a magical hook in the sky...? :) Just kiddin'.

Regardless, does the notion of making your own compost/green manure/mulch interest you at all? Doesn't take a great deal of ingenuity to get a compost/green manure/mulch thing going on. Once you've got something going it's more than suitable for growing stuff in. The plants know what to do with all rich organic matter. They've been doing it for billions of years :morenutes:, long before our EXTREMELY distant ancestors crawled out of the oceans.

Just curious.
Honestly, I don't know the size of the pot. If you go to my Hello thread, I have pics posted of the plant showing the pot. The reason I don't know the size is because my bf bought them somewhere and they were not marked as to what size they were or he didn't know. I feel like such an idiot for not knowing. Just showed me that if I want something done right, I have to do it myself...I plan on getting some more pots and I will be paying attention to what size they are. I have no clue as to why he didn't ask. Wow a gallon of water mixed with nutes? I been giving them like a cup of water and even with that, I have been told I am over watering them? Majorly confused now...

Drifter---No, I am not growing outside, indoors in my closet. I live on the 2nd floor of an apt building so there is no way I would be able to make my own compost. Appreciate your sense of humor though..
Maybe I need to clarify, got nutes mixed in gallon jug, pour into a cup then give to the plants.
No, I am not growing outside, indoors in my closet. I live on the 2nd floor of an apt building so there is no way I would be able to make my own compost. Appreciate your sense of humor though..

Actually, there is a way, but given your situation it'd probably be more work than you'd want to do.

In that case, uh...have you heard of Alaska Fish based/organic Plant Food and Bloom? They're separate products made by Lilly Miller. Plant Food is 9-4-4 and the Bloom is 0-10-10. I used both (weekly) last year on my outdoor grow and it worked fairly well, no complaints. I bought mine at Lowe's but, maybe HD carries it too.
Never heard of it but will keep it in mind. I have like 3 different kinds of nutes on me now. But I appreciate the help Drifter.
Love now that you have the nutes seperated in you can pour into a pitcher..or large cup together...i use a 20oz your stage you should be on growbig/open sesame/big bloom....i pour 1/2 my cup with open sesame and 1/4 grow big and 1/4 bloom...into the 20oz cup then water each starting my tiger bloom this week my open sesame is ending and tiger bloom begins...remember when you pour your nutes into your cup that they are already premixed into those its easy..hope this helps girlie....:hippy:
Vince-- Well I don't have Tiger Bloom or Open Sesame yet, I hope to have those by the weekend. 4 outta 6 of my plants needed feeding today so I gave them the Grow Big and the Big Bloom. And everything you have told me is always helpful. Appreciate you to the fullest...
My pleasure my lady....yah the other two are good but you need to get those flowering nutes...the big bloom and growbig are now just holding off nitro def...need that open sesame next than the tiger if you need to save to be feeding that phos now...they are looking for it...i only used the Ginormous last time (remember) 0-16-18 and it was if you have to use something cheaper this time its ok...all baby steps...:hippy:
Well I do have the stuff from BPN, wonders if I could use that until I get the others? Or is it not good to mix different products? I wanted to use the BPN nutes for my next grow, which I have some seeds germinating now. Or will they be alright until this weekend?
I would actually use the BPN for your flowering now then...i know youve agreed to do a full grow for them and thats will on the next grow but...i would do it..why go buy the FF stuff when your not going to use it next time anyways....Go for it...:ciao:
Yeah, you are right as usual...I guess I will add a lil of that to the ones I just fed today then....What would I do without you, you're my hero...:adore: :adore::adore:
Wait till next watering...dont add after you just watered...maybe in 30 hrs...once they dry up alittle...
Yo love....are you keeping a written journal? I hope can see what days and times and stuff you are tracking on a daily basis....its like the homework part...:ippy:
Journal? Uh, no...Just been marking the days on the calendar. Too late, I gave them some already but only a lil, not even a half a cup. I didn't want to over do it once again...Seen a lil drainage, does that mean I gave too much? This was before I added the BPN nutes...
They will be fine...i was trying to catch you....make sure they now dry for a good 2 days..unless they really get dry before.....:hippy:
Hey Queen,

I was without power during Irene's havok but I wanted to check your thread and see how things are going.

Seems to me Vince has got you on a road to success... :bravo:

I looked at your pics to help determine sex but they are not so focused on the plant. If you take a piece of paper and put it right behind the plant so it is almost touching the area you are trying to take the pic of it should solve your focus issue.

Anyway I am happy to see thing are going good for you. Talk to you soon.
Hey Queen,

I was without power during Irene's havok but I wanted to check your thread and see how things are going.

Seems to me Vince has got you on a road to success... :bravo:

I looked at your pics to help determine sex but they are not so focused on the plant. If you take a piece of paper and put it right behind the plant so it is almost touching the area you are trying to take the pic of it should solve your focus issue.

Anyway I am happy to see thing are going good for you. Talk to you soon.

I hope you didn't get hit too bad by Irene. A lot of flooding and power outtages here too but luckily I didn't get affected like most. Just a leaky ceiling that my landlord is too lazy to have fixed.

Yeah, Vince is the greatest. He has been there with me every step of the way. I appreciate your input too. I have tried taking pics with nothing in the background but the wall, it still comes out blurry.
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