Plants to deter Narcotics K9's

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
Greatly improve your chances of not getting caught! (theoretically at least)
This isn't really a tutorial, its just more of a tip and first of all I want to stress the fact that I personally have never grown marijuana outdoors so I'm afraid this is merely a theory. I was recently looking through the Richters 2005 Herb Catalogue and I came across a plant called the "Piss Off Plant" (Plectranthus). Apparently dogs, cats, etc won't go near it because they can't stand the smell, which is not at all offensive to people or noticable for that matter. This got me thinking about all those people who cannot grow in a vast nearby park because of constant police dog patrols through the area solely for that purpose. I think that it might be possible to plant the "Piss Off Plant" (about $6 CAD per plant) in a circle around your crop and the dogs would avoid this area without arising suspicion. The plant itself is very small and not at all noticable. Let me know how this turns out if you decide to try it or if I get the chance I'll update you.
This is an Australian plant, and it deters rabbits also.
"While the plant is commonly refered to as coleus canina and the mythology says it is from a german hybridizer, it isn't a coleus at all nor is it a hybrid, it is a Plectranthus (a genus of the mint (Lamiaceae) family).
I am not sure what schmuck claimed s/he hybridized it from coleus, but the truth is it isn't a hybrid, it is a native to Africa and India.

With commercial origins steeped in lies it probably won't surprise you that animals are indifferent to it (just as mosquitoes are indifferent to the so called 'mosquito plant'). There isn't a single reputable study showing it to have any deterent effect on cats, dogs, raccoons or anything else (other than some humans ;-). About the only place you will find claiming the plant repels cats and other animals are on sites selling it and individuals who were taken in by the hype."

Heres something I pulled from a gardening website. I dont know, I have heard of this plant before but I also cant find any testemonies for using it with good results either. ??? Pretty neat though I worry about Mary Jane growing much taller (especially outside) than the "PissPlant" which seems to be pretty small from the pics Ive seen. Sure itd be better than nothing tho. :)
No thank you for making a thread about it. I think its very possible (would seem to be anyway) that certain plants are deterrents to lots of diff. animals. I looked into it a little more and found out that there are diff. breeds so all don't grow as short as I thought. Now It gets me wondering if you got a taller pissplant breed and shorter growing indica (for example) then itd seemed like a pretty good deal to me. I dont grow outdoors neither but I think this plant is still worthy of recognition LOL. Any possible deterrent is good in my eyes ;)
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