Pollen viability


420 Member
Hello all!
I have a male plant that is just hanging on and the sacs haven’t burst yet. I was wondering if the pollen would still be viable if they don’t mature enough to burst. There are several that are almost there, I’m hoping the plant matures in time.
Thanks a lot!
I’m collecting it. The plant is dying and the sacs might not open before it stops growing. I’m wondering if collect the pollen from unopened sacs would it still be viable?
Photos would allow us to see the whole picture. The releasing of pollen is the most important thing in a male plants life. If it is dying, it is doing everything possible to finish the pollen. So if it's not released I'd say its not done yet. If the plant completely dies, then you can attempt to harvest the pollen from the unopened sacs and hope for the best.
I think you’ll be ok if they’re close. I’ve chopped limbs off of males that weren’t quite ready yet and stuck them in a glass of water and the flowers opened up after.
I guess my first concern would be why is the plant dying? With immature pollen sacs? Typically the males will blow pollen long before the females have fully developed and don't die from it.

If it's a weak plant I personally would not bother passing those genetics along.
The in "time" thing probably has something to do with females being ready. Males flower earlier but should still be flowered a week or 2 before the females.

I have to agree on the question. Why is it dieing. I wouldn't want to bank on pollen from unopened pods. If that is all you are going to get them may as well try it. I would dry the whole plant and let them open as they dry them shake the plant over something and see what happens.
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