Probably a stupid question?!


New Member
Alright I have noticed the little things coming on the Main stem and are curious to know what it is.
Not the little hairs but the darker green things.

Also probably another stupid question.

But what are these tiny white dots on all of the leaves?


Boy I feel stupid! :p
The answer to your first question is : "Stipules" mini-leaf like structures that protect very new and tender growth from environmental conditions as it sprouts from the joints of the stem between newer growths.

The second question - its hard to tell, if they were trichomes, resin glands being seen this early may indicate a possible male, but just decided to throw that out there. They like to arouse the females early on. Other than that I'd say its probably spider mites or aphids. Something hard to see. Maybe even a possible deficiency, would need better clearer photos of the damage to get a better estimate.

Don't feel stupid about having to ask questions, we're all here to help.:Namaste:
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