Q: Where is it? A: I smoked it!


4/20 Queen
I picked up an awesome coffee table book...I'd like to read some stuff for you guys if you haven't read it yet...

The Marijuana Logues by Arj Barker, Doug Benson, and Tony Camin

Marijuana Fun Fact: You probably have a little bit of pot somewhere that you forgot about.
2.If you took all the roaches and nuggets that are lost underneath car seats and between couch cushions it would be enough pot to roll a join that would reach across the Grand Canyon.
3.I you had enough Marijuana that you could build a house with it...that would be soo awesome!!
That's a fact.
Cause you'd be like "Dude pack a doorknob" or "that some good ass kitchen" or "Hey everybody, lets go into the athroom and smoke the Bowl"
I'm stoned again..lol and I found another funny part in the book...


We discovered that there is a species out there in the world known as "The NON-POT SMOKER". Upon learning this, two questions immediately come to mind: "Really??" and "Why?" Upon further investigation we found that many of these NON-POT SMOKERS" or NPSers, don't smoke pot for a variety of valid reasons, all of which we think are dumb-ass. Some NPSers say pot has no effect on them. These people are called Robots. You should stay away from them. They don't have feelings and they're mean. Many don't smoke pot because it's illegal. So what? Plus, in some places it's legal. So if you don't smoke pot because it's not legal where are you, you should goto where it is legal and have som. Whether you want to or not.
Other people don't partake of the wacky tobaccy because they think it's unhealthy to smoke anything. First off, you're not a doctor so don't think you know everything. Second, if you use a bong, the water filters out the tar, paraquat, parameciums, bacteria, amoebas, and other little microscopic bugs. And if you fill you Bong with vitamin water, you definitely probably won't get Ebola.

Marijuana Fun Fact:: Pot can end hunger. Everytime we smoke it we go eat something.
SaveMyPoptarts said:
Marijuana Fun Fact:: Pot can end hunger. Everytime we smoke it we go eat something.

LMAO! Fuckin A!! :adore::peace:
damn that shit is funny
i dont think ive ever lost weed, cause i usually never have enough to last me till my next bag so i have to scrape everything together... but i know someone who lost a quad for 4 days haha
Baked_Dave said:
i dont think ive ever lost weed, cause i usually never have enough to last me till my next bag so i have to scrape everything together... but i know someone who lost a quad for 4 days haha

A friend of mine deals bud, and he lost a whole POUND of dank once. Took him almost a day to realize he left it in his backpack at his g/f's house lol. It was funny, he was scared shitless.
Yeah there is a Marijuana Logues lol, I came across it doing a dirty word search at Borders bookstore haha...It's a really funny ass book. I don't like to read but I've been reading this book..its only like 60 pages

Okay another one:

Dress To Hempress
Hemp fiber has myriad uses, like making rope and ugly clothes. Don't get us wrong, we're all for hippies making stuff out of the unsmokeable parts of the marijuana plant, but let's face it, hippies tend to make good for the other hippies, right? Does any nonhippie really need a garment that combines the " now" look of a tie-dye with all the softness of an onion bag?
Admittedly, it is kind of cool that you can wear weed. You can't say that about any other drugs. Let's face it, Ecstasy pants don't really exsist. The problem us we is we all know what it's like to come home drunk and discover that you're out of weed. If you owned hemp clothing, it would be far too tempting to smoke your wardrobe. After a while, you friends would start to notice. They'd be like "Hey, didn't that thing used to have long sleeves?" Yeah and a good too". Soon it would be a tank top, then a tank top half shirt, then a man bra, a scarft, a handkerchief, and finally just an eye patch. You would end up being a pot pirate. "ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Uhnand the Veggie Booty!! ARGGGGGGG! Chips Ahoy! ARGG. (
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