Question concerning light cycles.


New Member
I have read of people using 12/12, 16/8, 14/10, light cycles. But, what I would like to know, has anyone tried a cycle of 6/6/6/6 continuously? It has been a long time since I took horticulture in high school and that was back in 1976, I do remember being told that it was possible to do but once you start it was also recommended that you stay on that schedule. If I can keep the temp consistent @ 70-75 then it should work in theory. Tricking it to short days and nights of equal times, basically 2 days for 1.

from what i know,not much,that cannabis(not auto strains) build's up a hormone dooring the dark cycle.It takes the plant's twelve hours of uniterupted darkness for the plants to reach a ceritn level that signals to the plant that it is time to start flowering.So a cycle of 6/6/6/6 would leave you with stunted plants that will be so stressed from the unormal light cycle
ooh end of convo huh? uh heeheeeee yeah that sounds flat out goofy. i thought of that and then really thought how unnatural that would be
anyone know if a low pressure sodium works good?
Well, it has been 25 years since my last grow and over 30 since I took horticulture. At that time hydroponics was a fairly new cutting edge form of gardening and back then people thought that was crazy and unnatural. I'm thinking of the cycles starting @ seed to harvest, if the cycles run uninterrupted it shouldn't stress the plant(s) that much, as for stunting their growth I plan on a pc stealth grow and I really don't want something that may overgrow my box.

High Pressure Sodiums are great for flowering... As far as this 6/6/6/6 nonsense, no it would not work at all. No offense Wallfisher but a lot of facts have come out since 1976 in regards to botany. All this light cycle would do is create a bunch of Hermis, not a bad idea if you are looking to get some pollen and some feminized seeds. Good luck on your grow bro.
:thanks: everyone for your input and your future input. So I decided on 12/12 light cycle from seed. I'll be starting my pc grow soon and hope that I'm not over thinking this.
I been reading a variety of grow journals and noticed that some people recommend using 6500k cfl's for veg, and 2700k for flowering. But I have also noticed some use both at the same time, and I was wondering if there was an advantage to it? Does it help with sexing early? Will it allow veg growth and flowering @the same time?
I'll be looking out for your PC grow since I'm in the process of doing a PC grow and I'm curious about a fellow micro-grower ha

But to your question, it can grow very well under both spectrum but it just comes down to the fact that seedlings and veggies use more of the blue spectrum (6500k) and when in flower they use more red spectrum (2700k) so some think it's a waste to give a spectrum, according to it's stage, that the plant isn't using as much. But if you don't want to switch bulbs then doing both spectrum bulbs would work for you.

Thanks, TokenSmoke actually I'm subscribed to your grow journal and have been lurking around and following links from other people posting on your grow. I have been pretty lucky in finding a lot of info on this site.
To be honest you have provided the answer my question I have been trying for a week to find out. I knew both spectrum's were needed for a grow and was wanting to know if I used both from seed to harvest can be done without any additional stress or moneys. I know it's less than $10.00 for 2 cfl's but why spend the money if you don't have to.

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